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Is There Really a “Bushfire Jihad” Taking Place?

As Australia suffers through its bushfire crisis, some have dug up some alarming Islamist propaganda from a few years ago.

U.S. officials monitoring terrorist web sites have discovered a call for using forest fires as weapons against “crusader” nations, in what may explain some recent wildfires in places like southern California and Greece.

A terrorist website was discovered recently that carried a posting that called for “Forest Jihad.” The posting was listed on the Internet on Nov. 26 and reported in U.S. intelligence channels last week.

The statement, in Arabic, said that “summer has begun so do not forget the Forest Jihad.”

The writer called on all Muslims in the United States, Europe, Russia and Australia to “start forest fires.”

That’s certainly a credible threat. Jihadists have shown that they are nothing if not creative when it comes to waging terror. So some are claiming that nefarious jihadis might be responsible for the hundreds of arson attacks which have done so much to fuel the bushfire crisis to catastrophic proportions.

Australia has just arrested a number of arsonists who are accused of setting the wildfires that are ravaging the country. Could they have anything to do with the fact that jihadis have identified setting fires as a tool of jihad?

This has been a threat for years.

Well, of course, it’s possible. In fact, right on cue, comes this report:

Western Sydney teen Fadi Zraika — one of the two teens accused of lighting a grass fire at a Guildford park while bushfires ravaged NSW — laughed outside court today after appearing on multiple charges.

Police allege Fadi and Abraham Zreika, both 18, set off fireworks that sparked a grass fire at Bright Park, Guildford, on December 22.

Police were called to the park about 2.40pm after reports of several loud explosions and saw fireworks exploding and several small grassfires that spread rapidly in sudden winds….

But before anyone gets carried away about “forest fire jihad”, it looks more like these are a pair of idiotic adolescents playing stupid pranks. Guildford is in the heart of urban Sydney. If this is forest fire jihad, setting off some crackers and sparking some dry grass in a suburban park seems like a pretty weak effort.

There are, so far, hundreds of arsonists already charged in relation to the bushfire crisis. Perhaps a pattern will emerge in time, perhaps not. But, for the moment, claims of “forest fire jihad” seems to be a bit of a squib.

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