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Is There Something in the Melbourne Water?

Flying the flag of anti-Semitic hate in Melbourne. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Imagine if, following Kristallnacht, Melbourne councils had started flying the swastika flag, “in solidarity” with Germany. There would have been outrage and condemnation then, and it would be remembered as a shameful anti-Semitic incident today.

Yet, just such a shameful show of anti-Semitic hate is happening in Melbourne right now. A far-left dominated council is flying the flag of Hamas, who just weeks ago carried out the most horrific slaughter of Jews since WWII.

A Melbourne council has voted to fly the Palestinian flag on a local government building and condemn the words of “senior Israeli politicians and military officials.”

But Zionism Victoria, representing the Jewish community, has described the motion as “completely” one sided, fuelled by either ignorance or malice, and criticised it for failing to mention and condemn Hamas’ atrocities.

Only weeks ago, in the same city which recently banned the National Socialist swastika, the newest symbol of anti-Semitic hate was briefly flown in Federation Square. The flags were hurriedly taken down in the face of community outrage, with no-one wanting to take responsibility.

But in Melbourne’s west, the newest breed of socialist anti-Semites are loud and proud in their support of Muslim terrorists who slaughtered babies, even the unborn, raped children, dismembered families alive in front of each other, and abducted hundreds as human shields.

The ‘War in Gaza’ motion was moved by socialist alliance councillor for Merri-bek, Sue Bolton, who argued there is precedent for local government to debate issues like this one.

Here’s where this far-left extremist cretin really plumbs the depth of hateful stupidity.

“I am sure during the second world war there would have been motions by local government…” she said.

They wouldn’t have been supporting the anti-Semitic Germans, that’s for sure. Unlike the Merr-bek council.

Ms. Bolton said some people say it is not Council business to have a position on this, but it is not surprising that she moved the motion.

Given that she’s a member of the extremist socialist alliance, it’s not surprising at all that she sides with the world’s worst terrorists.

The anti-Semitic motion was too much even for Labor councillors.

Councillor Oscar Yildiz opposed the motion, saying debating the issue has “no value for ratepayers” within the City of Merri-bek. He said local residents are tired of local councillors using their elected positions and the Council to push their own political agenda and ideologies […]

Labor aligned Councillor Lambros Tapinos also opposed the move, saying it was problematic, divisive, and very one-sided.

“What it will do, is make some people in our community feel very unsafe,” he said.

The outbreak of extremist hate in Merri-bek is also a warning against electing ignorant, opinionated children to positions of responsibility.

Mayor Councillor Angelica Panopoulos […] who was just 23 when she was elected youngest ever mayor of the Council in November 2023, is a member of the Greens.

“I’m a lifelong local, I’ve just finished Uni, so I am a law grad. I am an activist, and I’ve been a councillor for two years now,” she says in a YouTube video introducing herself.

Somehow, none of that surprises anyone.

Zionism Victoria said the motion did not mention anything that offers any kind of context to the current conflict, and claimed that those who supported the motion are “ignoring reality.”

The group supports Jewish and Zionist activity among the Victorian Jewish community and promotes Israel’s interest and Victoria’s relationship with Israel.

Zionism Victoria said the motion did not mention that Israel accepted the creation of a Jewish State and an Arab State back in 1947, which was rejected by the Arab world.

“This is clearly a completely one-sided motion fuelled either by ignorance or malice, as evidenced by the fact that there is no mention of Hamas, let alone any specific condemnation of the terrorist atrocities committed by Hamas last month,” Zionism Victoria said.

The Epoch Times

Somehow, I suspect that the hateful extremists of Merri-bek council are fully aware of all of that.

And the rest of us know hateful extremism when we see it.
