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Nice digs. Bet it has good internet, too. The BFD.

Socialist police states always have their nomenklatura – the privileged elite who fancy themselves above the law. As New Zealand turns into Stasiland-with-Sheep, its own nomenklatura are emerging. Simon Bridges commuting the length of the North Island, and David Clark jaunting off to his favourite walking and cycling spots, while everyone else is confined to their homes, are typical examples.

Australia has its own little nomenklaturas, too.

NSW Arts Minister Don Harwin has been fined $1000 by police for breaching social distancing laws after visiting his Central Coast holiday home last month.

Police issued a statement late Thursday night confirming a 55-year-old Elizabeth Bay man had relocated to a holiday home at Pearl Beach, in contravention of current Ministerial Direction under the Public Health Act.

Maybe his internet wasn’t working at his house in Sydney?

But that’s only the beginning of his flouting of the rules.

Earlier, The Australian revealed Mr Harwin had been hosting a young former Liberal Party candidate – who recently returned on a flight from the UK – at his holiday home for the past three weeks in spite of strict social distancing and isolation restrictions.

The startling revelation comes as the state’s premier, Gladys Berejiklian, conceded she had been aware her Special Minister of State had left Sydney for his coastal retreat but had failed to address the situation – before finally demanding he return to the capital on Thursday[…]

All returning Australian travellers were required to self-isolate at their own home for 14 days at the time [Geoffrey] Winters arrived back in the country[…]

The 31-year-old documented his trip to England — and subsequent flight home — on his Facebook page but deleted the posts on Wednesday after news broke Mr Harwin had relocated to his second home on the coast.

Now, normally there wouldn’t be much to compare Gladys Berejiklian to Jacinda Ardern, but her handling of New South Wales’ COVID-19 outbreak has at times made Ardern look almost competent.

First there was the shocking decision by NSW health officials to hand-wave off hundreds of passengers from a cruise ship they knew was infected with the virus. Now, this fiasco.

Just like Bridges and his “internet”, there’s plenty of dodgy excuses.

Mr Harwin has denied any wrongdoing[…]“I live in a very built-up area in Sydney with high density and here I have windows that can open so I can have the fresh air and I can walk in fresh air and I have more room in my house here than I would have in my small apartment in inner Sydney,” he said.

“I have two residences. I have chosen to live at this one for health reasons.”

There you go: if you can’t afford a luxurious batch in an exclusive coastal retreat, that’s your problem, peasant. If only the rest of us could trot out these excuses and get away with it.

Mr Harwin’s holiday home controversy comes as New Zealand’s Health Minister, David Clark, was demoted this week for breaking lockdown rules and Scotland’s chief medical officer, Catherine Calderwood, resigned for twice leaving Edinburgh to visit her holiday home, 55km away.

Some animals always fancy themselves as more equal than everyone else.

Nice digs. Bet it has good internet, too. The BFD.

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