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The Pied Piper of Davos and his puppet. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

No doubt Jacinda Ardern is brushing up her CV already. There’s a new job opening coming up for the globalists’ favourite princess.

World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab is stepping down from his role as executive chairman after more than five decades.

The 86-year-old is moving away from the day-to-day management of the organisation and will become chairman of the WEF’s board of trustees by January 2025.

Schwab’s succession plan has been the source of much speculation over recent years.

It’ll be like a scene out of The Empire Strikes Back:

Klaus stands on the balcony of his snow-shrouded Alpine mountain lair. An icy wind whips his black cloak around his menacing figure as his young apprentice kneels at his feet. “Jacinda!” he rasps in a robotic voice, through his menacing metallic mask. “It is your destiny. Join me, undt together we can rule ze vurld!”

A WEF spokesperson said: “Since 2015, the World Economic Forum has been transforming from a convening platform to the leading global institution for public-private cooperation.

Is that what they’re calling tyranny, these days?

“As part of that transformation, the organisation has also been undergoing a planned governance evolution from a founder-managed organisation to one where a President and Managing Board assume full executive responsibility.”

The Swiss based forum said that the move was part of a multiyear strategy to change its management structure, shifting governance to a president and managing board.

The forum did not reveal who would succeed Schwab and become the face of its elite annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland.

There were some hints, though. Someone was clopping coconuts together, off-stage.

Schwab, a German engineer and economist, established the forum in 1971 and also served as its executive chairman.

GB News

Note that: German.

Despite being born just over the border, in Ravensburg, and raised in Switzerland from when he was just a few years old, and living there all his life, the Swiss have never granted him citizenship. There were fanciful rumours of an “honorary” Swiss citizenship, a few years back, but it was pretty quickly pointed out that Swiss law allows no such thing.

Unlike far too many Western countries, the Swiss zealously regard citizenship as an absolute privilege that must be earned. Not handed out like candy to any old riff-raff who lob up on their shores.

Especially cut-price Bond villains.

Or their Number Twos.
