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Is Tracey Martin Trolling Jones and Winston or Just Dead Set Stupid?

Tracey Martin appears to either be dead set stupid or is continuing to troll Shane Jones and Winston Peters. We wrote about this earlier and even a ran a poll where 93% of respondents thought she was totally effin’ stupid.

Well, she’s been at it again.

Jones, a New Zealand First MP, is back at Parliament after a week  away, during which he was condemned by Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern for  comments he made about Indian students.

Jones told Newshub Nation last month that the “number of students  that have come from India have ruined” New Zealand universities.

“Everyone comes here from New Delhi – I don’t like that idea at all.”

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern blasted Jones’ remarks in an interview  with the Indian Weekender last week, saying: “I have condemned in the  strongest way possible, these comments, on this occasion.”

But Jones is still not backing down, telling Newshub what he said “doesn’t make me a racialist”.

And now Jones is facing unlikely criticism from close quarters,  called out in a debate last night by his New Zealand First colleague  Tracey Martin.

Shane Jones was wrong,” she said during a University of Auckland debate.

She went on to describe Jones’ comments as “inappropriate and wrong”  and that it was “unhelpful to pick on a group of people rather than  picking on an issue”.

Jones responded, “I speak with the full authority of the caucus on the matter of population policy.”


I still can’t work out if Tracey Martin is just trolling Jones and Winston or just totally effin’ stupid. Perhaps readers can assist?

If she keeps this up she might find life gets difficult when it comes to list ranking.
