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Is Tracey Martin Trolling Jonesy and Winston or Just Totally Effin’ Stupid?

Tracey Martin has decided to challenge the views of her leader, Winston Peters, and Shane Jones over the newly announced child brain-washing curriculum.

New Zealand First MP Tracey Martin is defending the controversial climate change teaching resource despite her colleagues speaking out against it for telling students to eat less meat.

Martin, Associate Education Minister, posted a video to her Facebook page explaining how eating less meat was a reality for her growing up because her family couldn’t always afford it.

“I’m really not sure what the drama is… I’m really not sure when  for many New Zealanders part of having days where you don’t eat meat is a reality because they can’t afford the meat.”

The teaching resource, almost [sic] about two weeks ago by Education  Minister Chris Hipkins and Climate Change Minister James Shaw, tells students how they can help to reduce emissions by eating “less meat and  dairy”.

The advice sparked an angry response from Martin’s New Zealand First  colleagues Winston Peters and Shane Jones – both Cabinet ministers – and Mark Patterson, the party’s spokesperson for agriculture.

“I don’t want the politically correct brigade colonising my dietary habits – it will never, ever happen […] Schools have absolutely no authority to stigmatise and demonise us meat-eaters,” Jones told Newshub last week.

Peters, the Deputy Prime Minister, supported Jones and suggested to Magic Talk that the prospect of eating less meat could damage the country’s agriculture industry and lead to job losses.

“Exports give people jobs in this country and you’ve got this group  of elitists challenging the very existence of these jobs by their  extremist, absolutist statements.”

I can’t work out if Tracey Martin trolling Jonesy and Winston or just totally effin’ stupid. Perhaps readers can assist?

My money is on totally effin’ stupid. Then again, sources inside NZ First say that it is Tracey’s way of signalling that she is retiring.


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