An unusual celestial event occurred on the same day as New Zealand’s Parliamentary Elections on the 14th of October 2023. A “Ring of Fire” appeared around the sun in daytime. This was a partial solar eclipse caused by the moon passing in front of the sun, seen mainly in the Western Hemisphere. The “Ring of Fire” is normally a portent for a coming storm. Is the storm the 2023 Election in New Zealand?
We have probably unwittingly sung about this phenomenon in Nursery School when we danced in a ‘ring’ and sang, “Sally go round the moon, Sally go round the Sun, Sally go round the Chimney Pots in the afternoons.”
We know that we were forced to go through a “Ring of Fire” for six years while the Chaos Coalition was in power, sometimes, in collusion with Act and National.
Johnny Cash puts it quite well in his song “Ring of Fire”.
“I fell into a burning Ring of Fire Went down down down and the flames went higher And it burns burns burns the Ring of Fire The Ring of Fire”.
As far as the non-woke media over the ditch are concerned, they are prepared to throw another prawn on the barbie for Winston Peters (NZ First). They probably can’t believe their luck that a politician has turned up who actually speaks ‘common sense’ even if he is from over the ditch. With their own referendum on The Voice occurring the same day as our election, the ‘NO’ vote was up Peters’s alley and probably the non-woke media’s as well. As NZ was once administered from NSW, there is a link. We are cobbers.
Our experience with Three Waters probably gave the Australians a taste of what was to come with The Voice – and they decided to demur. The latest Roy Morgan poll shows the incumbent Australian Government lagging behind the Opposition.
Channel 9 Australia said Winston Peters has had more ‘comebacks’ than Jonny Farnham. Admittedly Peters has been in three coalitions but the National one was twenty-seven years ago.
One of the commentators on ‘The Outsider’, Sky News Australia, after Peters’s return to parliament said he hoped National were not ‘bed-wetters’ regarding the possibility of NZ First as a coalition partner. Mathew Hooten described Luxon as incurious, unimaginative and, a ‘bit slow’. This was particularly evident on the campaign trail where Luxon refused to answer questions or else gave out platitudes. His off-sider Willis came up with half-truths about tax cuts and the brilliant idea of selling homes to foreigners, which Winston will scotch immediately.
With the over 560,000 ‘Specials’ being counted by November 3rd (most of them being leftie students), National could lose two seats, paving the way for NZ First.
As Aspie 101 says, Winston is WIN-SOME.
Two days after the Specials is Guy Fawkes night. David Seymour ACT has already rolled a barrel of gun-powder at Peters which failed to go off, and his polls fell. However it turns out, there will be a Bonfire of the Vanities with the Maori Health Authority, Three Waters and He Puapua. I’m betting there will be a ‘Guy’ on top of the Bonfire and it will be Chippy.
Will it be “Three Steps to Heaven” with the Nats, Act and NZF? Or a three-ringed circus? Labour and the Greens think ACT and NZF will run ‘Rings’ around Luxon. Hopefully, the ‘Lord of the Rings’ will put a ring around Middle Earth.