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Israel Adesanya Comes Out Swinging for Joe Rogan

Israel Adesanya

While a geriatric coalition of has-been Boomer rockers flap their gums and shake their flabby fists at Joe Rogan, the podcasting giant is not without defenders. New York Times reporter Matthew Rosenberg, in a rare display of mainstream media self-awareness, tweeted that “We in the media might want to spend more time thinking about why so many people trust him instead of us”. Glenn Greenwald noted that “censorship has become the liberals’ North Star”. If Rogan is not safe, Greenwald pointed out, then none of us is.

But the mainstream media are mostly united in pushing the wheelchairs of the parade of decrepit hippies as they soil their Depends and threaten to take down their music, which nobody under 70 has listened to in decades, off a platform that overwhelmingly caters to 18-34-year-olds. Yeah, that’ll show those darn kids, gram-gram.

The reason for the mainstream media’s united front against Rogan is that they know he’s a threat, not to the country (as CNN ludicrously shrieked), but to them. Rogan has more viewers now than CNN. Where the mainstream media’s audience is shrinking by the day, podcasters like Rogan are steamrolling ahead.

So, now the MSM is rolling out the biggest gun they can muster: the big, bad, scary n-word!

Yes, cover your ears ladies, and children look away: Joe Rogan said “nigger”. (See? It’s just a word: it won’t hurt you.)

But saying “nigger”, or even “nigga” is the greatest heresy imaginable in “progressive” America — if you’re white, anyway. (It never seems to occur to the dimwits pushing this argument, by the way, that restricting peoples’ liberties based on the colour of their skin is textbook racism.)

But more than a few of them darn uppity black folks just refuse to stay on the left’s plantation where they belong.

It wasn’t even a question directed at Israel Adesanya, but he passionately intercepted it when it was asked […]

“First off, let me take this one,” Adesanya said. “Hold up. I’m Black. I can take this one. Look, there’s a lot of c*nts in this game. There are a lot of snakes in this game. I’ve been in this fight game since 2008. Joe Rogan is one of the nicest, coolest, humble motherf*ckers I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Understand that.

“F*ck the noise. You know what they’re trying to do. You can’t control the man. He’s got the biggest platform in the world right now. That’s my n*gga Joe Rogan. F*ck the noise. … Just keep doing you, Joe. Have some mushrooms. Keep doing you.”

The press conference wasn’t the end of it. Nigerian-born New Zealander Adesanya took to his Instagram account to make it as clear as possible where he stands.

“United we stand, divided we fall.”

We are living in very strange times. When a voice speaks out against the mainstream narrative, the establishment have a systematic way of shutting said voice down. I’m not asking you to think like me, I encourage you to turn off your tv and think for yourself. Don’t let them pull the wool over your eyes.

MMA Junkie

Adesanya isn’t the only black person standing with Rogan. Jason Whitlock and Candace Owens also defended the podcaster. So did former Democrat candidate Andrew Yang.

But then, he’s Asian, which in the weird skin-calculus of the race-obsessed left makes him just another good ol’ boy cracker.

That’s the modern left for you: no racist like an “anti-racist”.
