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Israel’s Health Minister Mistakenly Blabs the Truth

Just before the start of a cabinet meeting on Sunday, several Israeli ministers were heard admitting that some coronavirus restrictions such as the controversial Green Pass vaccine passport were enforced simply for the purpose of pushing people to get vaccinated, rather than for epidemiological reasons, as ministers said they were concerned that the unvaccinated were filling hospital beds.

The ministers were overheard “saying that some coronavirus-related restrictions are only aimed at incentivizing vaccination, rather than driving down morbidity,” the Times of Israel reported.

Several ministers were overheard prior to a cabinet meeting on Sunday saying that some coronavirus-related restrictions are only aimed at incentivizing vaccination, rather than driving down morbidity, while lamenting that the unvaccinated are taking up hospital beds.

“I also think you can remove the Green Pass for outdoor restaurants,” Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked told Health Minister Nitzan Horowitz. The Green Pass is the nation’s vaccine passport, which is required to enter most indoor venues, and outdoor venues attracting many people.

“In pools, too, not just in restaurants. Epidemiologically it’s correct,” Horowitz responded to Shaked, basically admitting vaccine certification was not necessary for outdoor venues.

“The thing is, I’m telling you this, our problem is people who don’t get vaccinated. We need [to influence] them a bit; otherwise, we won’t get out of this [pandemic situation].” the health minister added. He added that he was not ready to relax the rules “because then they will say – if not pools, then why water parks?”

“Still, we don’t want to do things that don’t have medical justification,” Shaked countered.

Horowitz argued that if the pass “is not enforced, especially in the Arab sector… it does not exist, and I see it in hospitals. It’s overloading the hospitals.”

Times of Israel

Except most of the people in Israeli hospitals are fully vaccinated:

… an Israeli doctor has revealed a bombshell during a television interview. In the interview on August 5 with Israel’s Chanel 13, Dr Kobi Haviv, medical director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, stated that the majority of coronavirus patients in an Israeli hospital are fully vaccinated, including those with severe disease.  

Dr Haviv further specified that: “95% of the severe patients are vaccinated,” adding “85-90% of the hospitalizations are in fully vaccinated people” and the hospital is “opening more and more COVID wards.” This has led him to conclude that “the effectiveness of the vaccine is fading out.”

Of the 72 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, 25 patients were in “critical condition”, 38 were in “moderate” condition, and 9 were in “mild” condition. There were two deaths reported at the time of the interview.

The Spectator

And the efficacy of the Pfizer vaccine has dropped considerably:

Data from the Israeli Minister of Health released on July 22 declared that the effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at preventing COVID-19 has plummeted from 90 percent to only 39 percent, coinciding with the spread of the Delta variant in the country.

Which makes the unscripted truth bomb from the Israeli Health minister even more explosive.

You just know that Jacinda Ardern will do the same here. She is always at the ‘Podium of Truth’ extolling the virtues of the vaccine despite growing evidence that it isn’t working. But with all those near expiry vaccines they just bought they’ve ramped up the fear factor and are exhorting people to get vaccinated now.

All we are waiting for is the inevitable ‘Or Else!’

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