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It didn’t buy peace in their time, and it won’t in ours. The BFD.

Is the Biden administration preparing to pull the worst betrayal of an ally by a Western nation since Czechoslovakia was dismembered and handed to the Hitler regime? In 1938, Chamberlain and Deladier cravenly sold out the Czechs in a futile attempt to mollify Hitler’s aggressive avarice.

In 2024, Joe Biden seems ready to throw Israel under the bus in order to buy off the mad Mullahs in Iran – not to mention the crucial Muslim voters of Michigan and New York.

The United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken asked the State Department to review policy options on possible US and international recognition of a Palestinian state after the Israel-Hamas war ends, Axios said on Wednesday citing two US officials briefed on the issue.

Which is odd, because the Palestinians themselves have never, ever been prepared to accept a two-state solution. Rather, they’ve repeatedly and violently repudiated the very idea of tolerating the presence of Jews in the ancient Jewish homeland. When they scream, “from the river to the sea”, they mean it: Jews must be eradicated from everywhere between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea (Israel, in a word).

Why on Earth would Israel be mad enough to countenance a genocidally anti-Jewish state? Especially after October 7?

The report claims that there are voices within the US President Joe Biden’s administrations that are now thinking recognition of a Palestinian state could be the first step in negotiations that would “resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict instead of the last.”

i24 News

Sure – and Hitler only wanted to reclaim ethnic German communities in the Sudetenland.

Just as Chamberlain was in cahoots with Daladier, Biden is siding with fellow quislings in Britain.

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron also told a group of UK lawmakers that the UK government and its allies “will look at the issue of recognising a Palestinian state, including at the United Nations,” the BBC reported on Tuesday.

Biden is also apparently prepared to reward Hamas for their brutality.

US officials now also see a possible hostage deal that would free all the remaining captives in return for a sustained ceasefire as instrumental and linked to making progress in the Saudi-Israel normalisation effort.

Which will send a clear message to not only Hamas, but jihadi terrorists around the world: the gutless West will negotiate with terrorists. Just steal a few hundred women and children, and the cowards in Washington and Whitehall will give you whatever you want. Hamas’ human shields will be official Western policy.

The Israeli government is not so keen to reward terrorists.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is at odds with the Biden administration over the creation of an independent Palestinian state, saying at the weekend that he would not compromise on “full Israeli security control of all territory west of the Jordan River”.

The Age

This is the only non-suicidal option for Israel, right now.

Germany and Japan were occupied after WWII, until they’d demonstrated that they were fit to govern themselves again. Both countries were forced to pacify, and to purge their extremist cultures. Such was the price of their barbarism over the past two decades.

Gaza at the very least must be occupied until the Palestinians are ready to learn the same lessons as the Germans and Japanese.

Don’t hold your breath.


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