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sinking ship boat sea ocean

Rod Kane

At some stage in the very near future historians will be coming back out of the bomb shelters to start writing about the last six years. It won’t be pretty.

That’s not to say we are out of the woods and (mixed metaphor) now heading down back straight, far from it. But back to some history.

Ever since Captain Ardern took the wheel of SS Aohtearower, all the white, straight male members of the crew were given their disembarkation papers and replaced by a motley assembly of thugs, whanau, gender-diverse incompetents and just plain ordinary incompetents.

That same night, she rammed it full speed into the only iceberg afloat in the area and the ship has been going down ever since. First mate Robbo tried stuffing the holes with wads of cash, while the Maori wardroom just stuffed suitcases full of it. The evil captain jumped ship in the last lifeboat, sea-chest bulging, and left the ship to vanish under the septic waters.

Historians are going to have a party with this, but first we need to educate the new skipper and crew.

First things first, we need the books opened wide for all to see: we need to know where it all went and who authorised it. Then there has to be full accountability for those that gave us this wreckage and something put in place to ensure it never happens again.

Diversity, gender and race must never again be allowed to trump qualifications, experience and competence. Racist, hate-filled parties like the Greens and Te Pati Maori must not be allowed to poison our parliament. We must never again allow the likes of Mahuta, Ardern, Jackson, Tamihere etc. to infect our lives with their brand of toxic filth. This country needs to grow some and shut them right down.

We must also have a hard look at our MSM, now that we know how corrupted they are and how easily a corrupt government can control the narrative. They should be allowed to go broke: there are plenty of places to get honest news. There are also plenty of other agencies, like the Human Rights Commission and the Waitangi Tribunal, that need a reset or closing down for good.

We have all confidence that the new crew will steer around the economic rocks and maybe get to grips with the appalling crime, busted health, indoctrinated kids and their revised history education, roading infrastructure etc, but will they do anything about the deeper global rorts?

The new crew go right along with global warming… oops, sorry… now climate change, by punishing us, but not the world polluters. They’re all for vaccine mandates, but I can’t see too many lining up for another jab either.

Luxon et al need to remember that nearly 50 per cent of the population still think that money falls from the sky, 13-year-old ram raiders have more rights than shop assistants, and we should all be speaking an archaic language that nobody else in the world does.

There is a massive amount of work to do to shore up the foundations of this country, which Ardern, her Maori caucus and woke incompetents have just spent six years blasting away at with their particularly potent and evil brand of explosives.

We need to open the books and let the entire country know just what has been going on.  We must demand it.
