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As a brand new website, The BFD has now completed phase one of its launch and it is now ready for phase two.

Phase two cannot be completed and launched without our readers’ financial support.

You can help us to launch phase two sooner rather than later by grabbing a Bronze level subscription for only $10 a month to become ad-free and to also access all our puzzles when you log in.

For those of you who want access to Insight Politics choose a Silver level subscription for $25 a month so that you can enjoy articles by Chris Trotter, Olivia Pierson, Lushington D. Brady and soon a BRAND NEW Libertarian political commentator who will be joining the Insight team in a few weeks. (I don’t want to spoil the surprise so you will have to wait and see who it is).

Please subscribe to the BFD or upgrade your subscription. I am chafing at the bit to complete phase two and to launch it but we cannot complete it without your financial support.

Your subscriptions build the site one by one. Since launch day you can already see a huge improvement and we are just getting started!

The BFD is your Brash, Focused and Dedicated site for news, views and social commentary on issues locally and around the world, that matter to you.

We will be the number one news and views website in New Zealand with your support.

Subscribe today and help us grow.

Thank you.
