What do the couple who broke the rules and went to Wanaka, the teenager who worked for KFC, Brian Tamaki, Steve Oliver and the owners of the Lotus Heart restaurant in Christchurch have in common? Yes, they have all broken the COVID rules, (inadvertently in the case of the KFC worker) and yes they have all been pilloried by the media, but that’s not it.
None of them is friends with the prime minister, her partner or her immediate entourage.
We know that there is a special visa class to enter this country. It is gold-plated with “At the pleasure of the Prime Minister” in red letters. It guarantees travel and MIQ arrangements. But now we also know that those special people, the elite of our society and the foreigners that qualify are also exempt from the rules that govern everyone else. We now know also that DJ Dimension is one of that special elite, even though most of us had never heard from him until now.
The British DJ who took Omicron into the Auckland community after breaching home isolation rules is set to avoid prosecution.
The Ministry of Health confirmed to Stuff it does not intend to refer the high-profile managed isolation and quarantine (MIQ) breach of Robert Etheridge, aka chart-topping DJ Dimension, to police.
This is the man who brought Omicron into the community in New Zealand, because he thinks he is too important to abide by the rules. Turns out he was right. He can flout the rules and get off scot-free because he is Jacinda’s friend.
Here is the real kicker.
In a statement, the Ministry said it needed to balance the effect prosecution would have as a deterrent against action which could damage future cases from cooperating with New Zealand’s public health response.
“The Ministry continues to assess the need for enforcement action in relation to breaches of the Covid-19 Public Health Response Order on a case by case basis, and may seek action in instances where this would support the public health response,” the statement said.
I am desperately trying to understand the meaning of this statement. Are they meaning that they don’t want to upset their carefully crafted snitch culture? But surely prosecutions would embolden the army of Karens out there forcing people to obey by the rules, so it can’t be that.
Or is this particular piece of waffle just another way of saying that he is a friend of the Prime minister, so no action will be taken?
I will let you decide on what they mean by their deliberately opaque statement, but one thing is clear. It is completely correct to fine a restaurant for failing to put QR codes and Vaccine Pass signs in a prominent place, close down a gym because they have unvaccinated staff and perfectly okay to have the prime minister pillory a teenage KFC worker who merely did what she was told but to leave self-isolation early, go to jewellery stores, restaurants, nightclubs and travel on the Waiheke Island ferry is all fine… if you are a friend of the prime minister. There will be no consequences because of who you know.
Are you happy with that? I’m not.
He was active in the community for 2 days with Omicron. It is estimated that he came into contact with 88 people, all of whom now presumably have to isolate and get tested. But with the infection rate known to be very high with Omicron, the chances of it now being in our community are very strong indeed.
Thanks to this self-centred individual, we are likely to have a community outbreak, and unfortunately, it is Auckland that will bear the brunt of it once again. Events may be cancelled, social distancing may be enforced, and Jacinda’s other mates, Siouxsie and Hendy will be out telling everyone to lock themselves down and never venture outside. They themselves will be fine though. As we have already seen, if they are caught breaking the rules, they will simply call on their powerful friends, notably Ashley Bloomfield and the COVID queen herself. They are part of the elite circles too.
It is always okay if the left, and their mates, do it.
The only good thing about this sorry state of affairs is that the public is outraged. How can you blame them when it is we who will bear the consequences of this selfish individual’s actions? How many more lockdowns, business closures and financial losses will we see as a result of this man’s thoughtless actions? While he gets away scot-free, we all have to live with the possibility of more lockdowns, more cancelled events and more misery. But DJ Dimension doesn’t care. He’s issued his apologies. That’s all he has to do. Let’s face it, that is a lot more than Jacinda would ever do, but it is absolutely not enough.
With every passing day, our government and ministries sink lower and lower into total corruption, and with a bought media, no one holds them to account. Surprisingly, there has been some criticism of DJ Dimension in the media, but perhaps this is because no one in Jacinda’s press office issued a gag warning because they were all on holiday.
Mind you, not everyone is happy.
Clearly, all that matters these days is who you know, not what you know, and moving in the right circles can give you fabulous privileges, including being able to ignore the laws of the land. As for the DJ in question, I think he should be renamed. His self-centeredness and total disregard for the safety of other means he should be called DJ One Dimension. There. Fixed it.