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It’s a Miracle – Common-Sense – Has It Finally Dawned?

tree against golden sun
Photo by Simon Wilkes. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

I love newspapers but two years back didn’t renew my subscription to Wellington’s Dominion Post, a publication I’ve frequently been a weekly columnist for over the last six decades.

When the new owner took over a few years back she immediately turned it into a ludicrous daily propaganda sheet about Maori wonderfulness.

I still read it, because they freely spray it about buildings and I like doing their crosswords.

But as the owner has now discovered with the nation-wide collapse of their various papers’ circulations, the public don’t wish to read a diet of screaming hogwash and second, they object to outright lies.

Well, yesterday I nearly had a heart attack. I read it through and not a single nonsensical peep about Maori wonderfulness, instead its pages were filled with hard news.

Then came the realisation of what had happened.

For it transpired The New Zealand Herald, seeing the huge opportunity this infantile diet of fictitious Maori wonderfulness, of “Aotearoa” and “whanau” and so on and on, launched their inaugural Christchurch edition yesterday.

Hopefully the woman owner responsible for the Dom’s destruction now sticks to this news role and also hopefully, that it’s not too late as I fear, as their demise threatens.

Another fortnight of producing an actual newspaper and I will joyfully wish them luck and take out a subscription again.

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