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It’s a Mystery Who Is Doing This

“Nothing to see here!” The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

They’re at it again: youths of no particular description are committing a wave of violent crimes across the country.

Just don’t expect the media to tell you the whole truth.

As is usual with such crimes, what the media don’t tell you speaks volumes. If they even describe the perpetrators at all, it’s always “teens” or “youths”. No other description is forthcoming. Now, media will no doubt plead “journalistic ethics”, which warn against placing “unnecessary emphasis on personal characteristics, including race, ethnicity, nationality”, etc. But, when police are hunting offenders, it’s hardly “unnecessary” to describe what the offenders look like. Especially when there’s something very distinctive about their appearance.

And especially when a certain group is massively disproportionately represented in particular crimes — in this case, crimes of egregious, shocking violence.

A 70-year-old woman has died after being stabbed in the chest in front of her granddaughter during a violent robbery at a busy shopping centre west of Brisbane.

Police were called to the car park of the Redbank Plains Shopping Village around 6:30pm on Saturday evening in response to reports of a serious assault.

They were confronted with a horrific scene when they arrived to treat the woman, who a witness said was lying in a pool of blood.

Detective Acting Superintendent Heath McQueen said the woman had been grocery shopping and was near her car when the random attack took place.

“It’s an abhorrent, cowardly violent attack on a 70-year-old grandmother in front of her six-year-old granddaughter,” he said.

He said police were reviewing CCTV vision of the incident and interviewing witnesses.

Yes, about that CCTV footage…

Notice anything distinctive? The BFD.
“Now is the time to step up and come forward and provide us with information about who the offender is,” Detective Acting Superintendent McQueen said.

Just don’t tell them the most obvious information about the offenders, because they won’t want to know.

Despite the fact that this was a particularly horrific crime.

“Many seasoned police, including myself, who reviewed the footage are taken aback by the level of violence.”

ABC Australia

And all for the sake of a 15-minute joyride.

A selfless, kind-hearted Queensland grandmother was stabbed to death in front of her six-year-old granddaughter for a brief ride in her car, police will allege […]

Ms White’s Facebook page shows her donating to underprivileged kids in Africa.

The Australian

This particularly horrific crime is just the tip of a wave of violence involving “teens” (of no particular description).

Horrifying video has emerged of two teenage girls viciously attacking a disabled woman at a busy train station.

The teenagers are seen punching and kicking the woman with Down Syndrome at Melbourne’s Southern Cross Station in footage posted to social media.

Daily Mail Australia
An Australia Day beach party turned to bloodshed after a group of teenagers were ambushed by a violent mob at Perth’s City Beach.

The group of party-goers were repeatedly hit, kicked and stomped on between 9pm and 10pm on January 26, leaving two hospitalised and five injured, Perth Police said.

The attackers were heard chanting “BTK”, an initialisation of “Born To Kill”, which 9News has been told is the call sign of a notorious youth gang in the city.


Then there was the recent stabbing murder of a doctor in Melbourne, during a home invasion. Oddly, no one ever seems to be able to describe the offenders.

However, occasionally, the media’s strict censorship slips and somebody accidentally gets to tell the truth.

Kimberly Smith told 9NEWS she was running through a park in the suburb of Redbank Plains, in Brisbane’s southwest, when she was attacked by two women she believes to be of African descent.


No doubt police are hard on the case, busily drawing up charges of racial vilification against the assault victim.

Note, on the other hand, how quick the media are to place “unnecessary emphasis on personal characteristics, including race” when it comes to victims. Even when both victim and perpetrator are the same race, the offender’s race gets carefully ignored, while the victim’s race is heavily emphasised.

Melbourne man Makeny ‘Nelson’ Banek pleaded guilty to beating and stabbing Sudanese woman Jackie Deng.

Daily Mail Australia

And, whatever else, don’t expect the African community to shoulder any responsibility.

“Some of these young people are going through cultural shock, some of these young people are here all by themselves, some of them are going through peer pressure.”

So what? Plenty of other groups arrived in Australia after enduring far worse, and facing discrimination on arrival. Yet there were no rampaging Jewish crime gangs in post-war Melbourne or Sydney.

And you just know there’s going to be yet more demands for gibsmedat.

Community leaders say they would like to be out with troubled youths on Friday and Saturday nights, offering them a free ride-home service to reduce violence.

However, they say they can’t without government help.

“What you do has implications on the entire African race here, and we are getting tired of it,” Mr Tuazama said.


Not as tired as the rest of us are getting of violent African crime gangs, I can assure you.
