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Since three years in a row is clearly a trend, it is only proper to extend The BFD series checking the learned prediction that Dr Viner made in March 2000.  Previous reports are here:  2022 2021 2020

After all, Dr David Viner, was a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia when he made this prediction and he was a qualified expert in the field, so he should know.

Our standard for checking on the snow levels in the northern hemisphere winter is, as always, the Finnish Meteorological Institute as they plot the data.

NH snow cover

As on March 6, it seems that there was approximately 3,100 gigatonnes of the white stuff still around, about 11% more than the average amount for 1982-2012 and well outside the plus/minus one standard deviation range.

Still, it seems that Dr Viner got one prediction half correct:

Heavy snow will return occasionally, says Dr Viner, but when it does we will be unprepared. “We’re really going to get caught out. Snow will probably cause chaos in 20 years time,” he said.

The snow does not return “occasionally” but there certainly seems to have been a bit of chaos in California this winter.

As is typical with failed (aka all) climate predictions, the experts have simply moved the “no more snow” date out to the 2040s.

Snowy winters could become a thing of the past as climate change affects the UK, Met Office analysis suggests.

It is one of a series of projections about how UK’s climate could change, shared with BBC Panorama.

It suggests by the 2040s most of southern England could no longer see sub-zero days. By the 2060s only high ground and northern Scotland are still likely to experience such cold days.


Will you PLEASE stop driving your naughty CO2 belching cars!  The experts have predictions to fulfil and you are certainly not helping their cause.  Just STOP it!
