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Photo by Markus Spiske

Another month, another load of unvetted climate exaggerations and misrepresentations that climate campaigners set bouncing about the media echo chamber.

Fortunately, CFACT and our partners are on the job correcting the record.

Each month we work together to publish a scholarly climate ‘fact check’ that debunks Green propaganda with verifiable data.

Read the full February “Climate Fact Check” at

This month we remind readers about natural El Nino/La Nina cycles and the impact they have on our weather. It was warm during the 1998 El Nino, it is warm during this one, and it will be warm during the next one, whether we live in a free economy or not.

The media wants you to know that Dallas hit 93 degrees on February 26th, 2024.  That’s a hot February day. Dallas also hit 93 degrees on February 25th, 1918. A touch of history adds valuable perspective, don’t you think?

The Washington Post is alarmed that recent Canadian wildfires kept on burning underground. They called it a “zombie fire.” We reproduced a newspaper ad about underground Canadian fires from 1988.

Nothing wrecks an alarming narrative like a touch of history.

Our February “Climate Fact Check” is chock full of facts like these and more.


Thanks to CFACT’s climate fact check partners the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), the Heartland Institute, Energy & Environment Legal Institute, Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow (CFACT), the International Climate Science Coalition (ICSC), and Truth in Energy and Climate.
