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It’s Never Been About Equality

a typewriter with a paper that reads equality
A recent report from Bloomberg revealed that in 2021 and 2022, just 6% of new jobs at S&P 100 companies went to white applicants.

Considering that whites make up 77% of the labor force, that means that there was active discrimination taking place at these companies in order to produce this result. In fact, shockingly, companies admit that this is exactly what happened.

[…] These companies not only discriminated against white people after the 2020 riots, but they financially supported the riots that destroyed small businesses and private property in major cities across the country.

[…] It’s no surprise that America’s largest corporations share the same goals as the Democratic Party. If the Democratic Party wants racial quotas and the support of anti-policing organizations, then many corporations will oblige. In order to confront the vague and subjective “systemic racism”, corporations have become actively racist. They will ignore meritocracy in favor of affirmative action, and we can expect a continued decrease in quality of the marketplace as a result.

[…] The more that companies focus on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) and environmental, social and governance (ESG) initiatives, the less time and resource they can dedicate to excellence and the providing of value to their customers.

The only ‘duty’ a company owes is to its shareholders and to comply with relevant laws and regulations. In other words, to make a profit while not doing anything naughty.

To be accurate we’re not talking equality here but equality of outcomes. That is, the simplistic belief that for people in a particular industry or company should reflect the general population. So that, say for our purposes, only 20 per cent of nurses are male, then given men make up 50 per cent of the population then that number should be 50 per cent (this is a purely hypothetical example.)

The example above doesn’t actually address why only 20 per cent of nurses are male. Could it be, because of gender differences, that women make better nurses than men? Maybe being a nurse isn’t an attractive career option for males? Who knows. But hey let’s implement a discriminating hiring policy so that male applicants get hired over better women applicants.

Again the above example is purely hypothetical and would of course never happen in real life. That’s because an additional requirement is that you also have to be on the woke totem pole. But even if you’re on the totem pole you can still miss out. So, sorry ladies, if you’re applying for that dream role and a tranny happens to be competing for the same role you’re shit out of luck.

If you’re Asian, forget about it. Happen to have a disability? Tough. And if you’re on the autism spectrum you have a better chance starting your own business than getting a job, no matter how good your qualifications.
