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Your mask is as useless as Jacinda



If you’re anything like me, you’ll look at people wearing masks when walking down the street or driving in their cars and wonder why they are doing it.

Well, I have the answer for you. It’s because they genuinely believe that Covid is “in the air”.

This raises the question: why would anyone believe something so blatantly ridiculous?

One answer that goes some way to explaining it is stupidity. But not every one of those people can be called stupid. Another answer is  paranoia fueled by sustained public health propaganda.

Masks are not only a measurement of public compliance but of public paranoia. The government repeatedly tells us that masks work. It tells us that masks significantly reduce the risk of Covid spreading. To get people to keep wearing masks it increases the health propaganda.

Have you noticed, for example, how whenever more people start to stop complying, the media crank up the fear factor in order to make people even more fearful and therefore more compliant?

Trying to convince someone that Covid is not in the air is a waste of time. Instead, look at ways of changing the narrative.

“I don’t really know if masks work or not as protection against Covid and quite frankly I don’t care. I’d rather risk getting Covid than suffer the psychological harm of wearing a mask”.


See how above I’ve changed the narrative from ‘masks protect you against Covid’ to ‘masks cause psychological harm’?

In short, let’s not focus on whether masks work, but on the demonstrable and blatant harm they cause.
