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It’s Not Your Money If You’re Unvaxxed

Daniel Andrews. The BFD. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

As the classic 80s ad catchphrase went, “It’s your money, Ralph!” Ah, the Victorian State Bank… if only they’d made investment decisions as well as they made ads… there might still be a Victorian State Bank.

The collapse of the Victorian State Bank was just one of the concatenations of disasters from the then-Labor government that turned Victoria from an economic powerhouse in the 80s into a basketcase in the 90s.

History, never repeats… just keep telling yourselves that, before you go to sleep. Victorians lost before, and we know they can forget — because they went right ahead and elected another socialist Labor government.

A government which ushered in the Christmas season by telling unvaxxed teachers that it’s not their money, Ralph.

Dozens of Victorian teachers gathered yesterday and today outside the Victorian Department of Education in Melbourne in response to an email that was sent out to teachers by Executive Director for Education Mr Tony Bugden.

The email sent out on the 10th of December outlined punitive measures the department will be enforcing on Teachers who do not take a Covid 19 vaccination. In this newest blow to unvaccinated teachers following the October 15 mandate, teachers have been ordered to update and verify their vaccination status to fully vaccinated through the states HR and payroll portal Edupay by tomorrow the 18th of December or have their holiday leave entitlements withheld and their positions suspended without pay from the beginning of term one January 2022.

In other words, unvaccinated teachers had just one week before Christmas to go crawling in submission and submit to a medical procedure they clearly didn’t want. A procedure, by the way, which by even Big Pharma’s guidelines needs at least 14 days to be safely administered.

Even Ebeneezer Scrooge would have blinked at such skinflint callousness.

In an interview with AFIPN yesterday, Teacher of 5 years Ms Aimee Gumina highlighted that the department had “Backflipped on their original decision that they made on the 15th of October to honour leave entitlements for those who were going on leave whether it was for the Vax mandate or not.” Ms Gumina also brought to light that many colleagues and even school principals were unaware of the existence of the email and its directives. When asked about her situation she said that she stands to lose $8000 over the holidays and is having to now dip into savings to keep herself going with no plan ahead for 2022.

Teacher of 36 years Kerrie Shearer, who has been teaching from home in an online school capacity over the last two years told AFIPN that she will still be kept from accessing her entitlements.

Their entitlements, mind you: this wasn’t the Department’s money to withhold. This was money that the teachers had rightfully earned under the terms of their employment, merely held in trust by the government.

But then, “trust” and “Victorian Labor government” are not words which belong in the same sentence.

Just ask the millions of Victorians who trusted a Labor government in the 80s, when it assured them their savings were safe.

Bear in mind, too, that those teachers cheated out of their rightful wages were just the ones who hadn’t already quit rather than submit. There has been a mass exodus of teachers in every Australian state, in response to vaccine mandates. In Queensland alone, a staggering 30,000 teachers quit or were sacked, due to vaccine mandates.

As far as the Covidians are concerned, it’s not your money, not your body, and most definitely not your choice.
