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Right back you go. The BFD.

If the polls are anything to go by, Rishi Sunak is the last of a lamentable succession of PMs dragging the Conservatives to an electoral hiding next month. Coming just five years after a landslide win, that’s certainly an achievement, of sorts.

On the eve of the election, though, Sunak has won a major legislative victory — one that will infuriate the left more than ever, but resonate with ordinary Britons fed up with seeing their country become a dumping-ground for the refuse of the Third World.

The Rwanda Bill will become law in a major victory for Rishi Sunak after it was finally passed by the House of Lords with no further amendments on Monday evening.

The Prime Minister’s emergency legislation was passed through the Lords after a drawn-out evening of parliamentary ping pong on Monday.

It followed weeks of parliamentary deadlock between the Lords and Commons, as Mr Sunak vowed to end the ping pong for good and insisted the legislation would be passed through that same evening with “no ifs, no buts”.

Importantly, Sunak is trying to circumvent the sort of judicial activism which has plagued Australia’s border policies. In defiance of the government and the clearly-expressed will of the people, activist lawyers and judges have successfully clogged the courts with spurious cases from country-shopping fakefugees.

The bill is intended to overcome the objections of the Supreme Court by forcing judges to treat Rwanda as a safe country for asylum seekers and allowing ministers to ignore emergency injunctions from the European Court of Human Rights […]

After whittling down the initial list of amendments to just one, cross-bencher Lord Anderson conceded it was time to back down on Monday evening.

That sole amendment was to concede that asylum seekers who had worked with the British armed forces abroad were not deported to Rwanda. So, expect to see every swivel-eyed Mahommedan illegal claim to have been an Afghan interpreter.

The bill will now head for Royal Assent and then officially become law.

Home Secretary James Cleverly praised the bill’s success on Monday as a “landmark moment in our plan to stop the boats”.

In a video posted to social media, he said: “The Safety of Rwanda Bill has passed in Parliament and it will become law within days.

“The Act will prevent people from abusing the law by using false human rights claims to block removals. And it makes clear that the UK Parliament is sovereign, giving Government the power to reject interim blocking measures imposed by European courts.”

A great many Britons, increasingly frustrated at boatloads of illegal immigrants swarming across the Channel and living it up in taxpayer-funded motels, will no doubt be ready to wave the freeloaders off.

Naturally, the left are stamping their little feet for all they’re worth.

However, human rights groups have condemned the legislation as a “breach of international law”.

To which the appropriate response ought to be: Well, so fucking what? Who is sovereign in Britain? The British parliament, or a bunch of unelected globalists?

Mr Sunak told reporters that the government has “an airfield on standby and booked commercial charter planes”.

“No ifs, not buts, these flights are going to Rwanda,” he said.

He indicated that once the programme in up and running the planes there will be a “regular rhythm” of flights heading to Kigali.

And good bloody riddance.

As for the EU’s “Court of Human Rights”, the UK government is telling them where to shove it, in no uncertain terms.

“The Strasbourg court has amended their rule 39 procedures in line with the test set out in our Illegal Migration Act. And we’ve put beyond all doubt that ministers can disregard these injunctions with clear guidance that if they decide to do so, civil servants must deliver that instruction and most importantly, once the processing is complete, we will physically remove people.

“And to do that, I can confirm that we’ve put an airfield on standby, booked commercial charter planes for specific slots and we have 500 highly trained individuals ready to escort illegal migrants all the way to Rwanda, with 300 more trained in the coming weeks […]

“No foreign court will stop us from getting flights off.”


Australians could only wish for a government again with similar gumption. Instead, we’ve got the lamentable Albanese government, turning foreign rapists, paedophiles and murderers loose by the hundreds.
