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It’s OK to Commit a ‘Hate Crime’ if You Smoke Pot

drugs marijuana cannabis

Consider this tale yet another reason why legalising cannabis for recreational use is a bad idea. Believe it or not, a court in France has accepted using cannabis as a defence for a brutal hate crime finding a Muslim man who murdered a Jewish woman while yelling ” Allahu akbar” not responsible for his actions because he smoked pot.

A Muslim man who killed his Jewish neighbor in Paris while shouting about Allah is probably not criminally responsible for his actions because he had smoked marijuana beforehand, a French judge has ruled.
The preliminary ruling in the trial of Kobili Traore for the 2017 murder of Sarah Halimi came Friday from a judge of inquiry — a magistrate that in the French justice system is tasked with deciding whether indicted defendants should in fact stand trial, JTA reported Monday.
Halimi was murdered in 2017 after she was attacked by her Muslim neighbor while she was sleeping in her apartment. He stabbed her, yelled “Allahu Akbar,” and then threw her from the third story to her death.
Traore confessed to the killing but a subsequent psychiatric evaluation determined that he was not responsible for his actions.
[…] Khalifat’s op-ed published Monday on the CRIF website follows a series of protests over perceived delays in Traore’s trial and the efforts, including by judges, that CRIF and others have condemned as attempts to prevent a murder trial.
An aggravated element of a hate crime was added to Traore’s indictment following vocal protests by CRIF, which said that the omission of such charges may have part of a “cover up” by French authorities.
Witnesses said Traore called Halimi a “demon” as he was pummeling her. Halimi’s daughter said following the murder that Traore called her, the daughter, a “dirty Jewess” two years before the killing when they passed each other in the building.
Sammy Ghozlan, a former police commissioner and founder of France’s Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism, told JTA in May that the handling of the Halimi case has made him “no longer have full confidence that anti-Semitic hate crimes in France are handled properly.”

Arutz Sheva

No kidding, really?

Will decisions like this one lead in the long run to a peaceful and harmonious multicultural society? What do you think?
