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It’s OK to tell lies Raybon Khan

Comedian Raybon Kan has exercised his free speech in the same way he recommends that others do, by making stuff up.

Make  stuff up. (Exercise your freedom of speech.) Tell them NZ doesn’t do free speech. Tell them we only do it in leap years, during certain tidal patterns, and only if you wear the exotic “fern frond of free speech” – a rare fern only found over that steep cliff, over there, which you must approach backwards, on rollerblades, while wearing the  “blindfold of justice”.

His opinion piece is meant to be amusing but the lie that it was built around removed all the humour. Satire and jokes are funny if they contain a grain of truth but Khan’s piece was built around a big fat lie.

He said that Canadian speakers Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux were racist, white supremacists when anyone who has listened to them without a shadow of a doubt knows that they are not. Yes they are white but that is the only true thing that can be held against them. And it is. Repeatedly.

Caption: Clearly a racist, white supremacist.

Strangely for a White supremacist some of Lauren Southern’s boyfriends have been black men. But hey, we shouldn’t be surprised anymore since we live in a world where Gay Jewish men are called Homophobic Nazis. The Left have never let the truth or facts get in the way of a smear of a conservative or classic liberal voice, and that is not going to change anytime soon.

Lauren wore an “It’s Okay to be White” T-shirt to trigger all the real racists, and boy did they take the bait, foaming and wailing that it was racist to simply state that it is okay to be born white, which is something that no one has any control over.

If a black person had worn a T-shirt saying that it is okay to be black, no one would have batted an eyelid, apart from congratulating them on being so brave for stating an obvious fact. The real reason people were triggered by Lauren Southern’s T-shirt is because deep down they do not think that it is okay to be white. They are the real racists.

I’ve created a couple of T-Shirts for Raybon…
