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Good morning, don’t you love the sweet smell of hypocrisy in the air today? It’s either that or the odeur-grande emitted by the Labour Party’s publishing arm, Stuff, as they burn their own credibility to the ground.

Seemingly sparked by the mischievous re-posts by David Wong-Tung of various artists work poking borax at the prime minister Stuff has gone all tut-tut and oh-dear-me over on-line naughtiness directed at something called ‘women MP’s’, which can only be the opposite of ‘men MP’s’ I suppose.

In the last twenty-four hours they have waxed sternly over the practice in a message from Patrick Crewdson (Editor-in-chief), two pieces by Alison Mau; the second of which examines and endorses the mitigation of social-media condemnation as a factor in reducing the consequences of the offending by the Labour Youth groin-groper, ending with the rhetorical question “It’s about time, isn’t it?” The piece didn’t express any sympathy for the victims of the goon, and yesterday’s laugh-worthy scribble by Andrea Vance was headlined “When you call the PM Cindy, you’ve lost the argument”. Ha!

Vance argues that bloke-politicians don’t get derisively nick-named (good grief, where has she been, in Fairyland?) including Robert Muldoon, sayeth Vance; she can’t be serious, can she? Robert Muldoon – the man derided as ‘Piggy’ by the entire left during for the duration of his three-term parliamentary leadership, and into retirement? Apparently ‘Shonkey’ John Key didn’t suffer similar parody either or maybe she’s never heard of or used ‘ScoMo‘, who knows, but you get the picture.

Stuff are all above this sort of nonsense, and speaking of pictures, they would never, ever, dream of depicting one of those so-called ‘women-MP’s’ as a depraved degenerate lunatic, for instance like Hannibal Lecter, would they?


Unless of course, she was from the other side of the political spectrum, that is.

Oh! Physician; heal thyself.

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