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It’s the Little Lies That Matter

Jacinda Ardern famously said that she never tells lies, which was, of course, a lie. After the terror attack at LynnMall she claimed that the terrorist was a lone wolf and that he was “gripped by an ideology that is not supported here by anyone“:

“What happened today was despicable, it was hateful, it was wrong. It was carried out by an individual, not a faith, not a culture, not an ethnicity, but an individual person who is gripped by an ideology that is not supported here by anyone.

NZ Herald

That was a lie. We know she was lying, she knows she was lying, she knows we know she was lying, we know she knows we know she was lying, but she still lied.

So how do we know it was a lie?

Because in the document dump the Police released to me was this little gem:

Police response to OIA

On 3 September 2021 at 2:40 pm, eight people were injured in a mass stabbing at the LynnMall Countdown supermarket in New Lynn. The attacker, Ahamed Samsudeen, was being followed by police officers, who intervened during the attack and shot and killed him after he charged the officers.

Five days later, a Person of Interest is mentioned (in the same Intelligence briefing that defamed me and The BFD), as being arrested after “espousing violent and extremist views in support of the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.”

Furthermore, in the immediate aftermath of the stabbing, the Person of Interest intensified his support of the attacker.

So when the Prime Minister was saying that this ideology “is not supported here by anyone“, that was clearly and demonstrably a lie, since the Police in fact have arrested at least one other person who does actually subscribe to that ideology. There must be others. It was simply fanciful to suggest otherwise.

The Prime Minister though was able to get away with this as she extended and extended and extended the short sharp lockdown and turned Auckland into a gulag.

On top of that, the Police have delayed this OIA request for as long as the Prime Minister kept us in lockdown. So, late last Friday afternoon, they dumped this all out there hoping I’d miss it all as I focussed on their “Scanning and Targeting Team” lining me and The BFD up for daring to publish videos calling out Ardern and her immigration policies that left Samsudeen here to commit this crime, and also a video exposing Siouxsie Wiles as a big fat hypocrite for her little bicycle trip and friend’s swim under Level Four lockdown rules.

The Prime Minister and indeed the Police are still playing silly buggers with my OIA and Privacy Act requests that will reveal more information, so much so that the Ombudsmen are now looking into matters.

The fact remains that the Prime Minister was telling us lies about other ratbags that follow this abhorrent ideology, and some of those ratbags have been arrested and charged as a result. It was a lie then that this ideology “is not supported here by anyone“, and it is a lie now.

Please share this article so others can discover The BFD.
