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Jacinda Ardern Berates Australia for Not Hugging Terrorists

“Sorry, I can’t hear you over the brainless squawking of this feathered pest.” The BFD. Photoshop: Lushington Brady.

Jacinda Ardern is steadily chipping away at the trans-Tasman alliance. Ardern’s incessant fish-wife scolding of her Australian counterparts might play well to her cronies and lickspittles in the NZ media, but she is relentlessly alienating New Zealand’s most important ally – at the same time that she is cosying ever-closer to the global communist bully.

For all her prating about “kindness”, Ardern seems to have a strange fondness for some of the world’s worst imaginable people. Not just a genocidal communist dictatorship, but eager participants in one of the most brutally murderous, genocidal, movements to stain the modern world: Islamic State.

Frankly, Scott Morrison is growing tired of Jacinda’s bullshit.

Scott Morrison has hit back at New Zealand counterpart Jacinda Ardern, who blasted his government for cancelling the citizenship of a dual Australian-New Zealander detained as a terrorist on the Syria-Turkey border with her two children.

Yet, for all that Ardern blubbers that “there are children involved”, she seems strangely reluctant to welcome them with a hug’n’hijab at Auckland International.

Ms Ardern said the 26-year-old woman, who was identified as an international terrorist by Turkish authorities, should have been deported to Australia.

The Australian has confirmed the identity of the woman as Suhayra Aden, from ­Melbourne.

She was born and spent her early childhood in New Zealand, in fact.

Mr Morrison said he understood New Zealand had “some issues” with the cancellation of the woman’s Australian citizenship but “my job is Australia’s interests”.

“Australia’s interest here is that we do not want to see terrorists who fought with terrorism organisations enjoying privileges of citizenship, which I think they forfeit the second they engage as an enemy of our country,” the Prime Minister said[…]

She is one of 20 people to lose their Australian citizenship under 2015 national security laws targeting dual nationals who act “inconsistently with their allegiance to Australia” by engaging in terrorism-related conduct overseas.

If Ardern is so desperate to keep this person out of New Zealand, she can always do as Australia has and cancel her New Zealand citizenship. This is someone who chose to throw their lot in with the slime of humanity. Let her wallow in it.

The Republic of Turkey’s Ministry of National Defence said the woman was an Islamic State terrorist. “Three New Zealand nationals, an adult and two children, were caught by our border guards in Hatay’s Reyhanli district while trying to enter illegally from Syria,” it said.

“The adult, a 26-year-old woman named S.A. was identified as a Daesh [ISIS] terrorist wanted with a ‘blue notice’.”

Naturally, “human rights” ninnies are all hot’n’bothered about the human rights of murderous terrorists.

Save the Children Australia deputy chief Mat Tinkler said Ms Ardern was “dead right” in advocating for the woman and her children.

The Australian

Never mind the women and children who were raped, murdered and bought and sold like cattle by the likes of this terrorist scum. Never mind the Australians and New Zealanders who would be forced to live with murderous Islamists in their midst.

It’s all care and no responsibility, when you’re the “Queen of Kindness”.

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