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Jacinda Ardern’s Bull Dust from the Podium of Truth

I know it will come as a devastating surprise but Jacinda Ardern lied to the nation in the 4pm press conference on Monday.

Jacinda Ardern: Mystery cases still coming through and the fact that we are finding them through surveillance and community testing rather than through contact tracing , that is what we are concerned about because that does present risk.  Those cases, until we find them, are out and about in the community and may be the source of other cases or themselves may have been sourced through cases we don’t yet know about.  

Question: How many cases have been picked up by surveillance testing and you mentioned that is an area of concern in surveillance testing picking up cases? Can you give us an idea of the mix of that in contact tracing versus testing? How many have been picked up specifically by surveillance testing?

Jacinda Ardern: Surveillance testing hasn’t produced any health care worker and no essential workers because we have been going into essential workplaces for some testing and have picked up nothing yet.  Dr Bloomfield …

Dr Bloomfield: In addition to that, none of the community general testing, surveillance testing, has identified specific cases. The cases that have popped up are, in fact, the ones that have been identified, particularly at Middlemore Hospital where even if asymptomatic some of those people were swabbed and then were found to have the virus and so in a sense that was surveillance testing  because they were asymptomatic but the general community surveillance testing at this point in time across those suburbs where there has been focus testing hasn’t thrown up additional cases as yet.

So all this Test, Test, Test in the community is a total waste of everyone’s time and money.

They have locked down Auckland for another week  “because it might be out there still – we are finding them.”

But we aren’t finding them!

So no reason for the extra week lockdown at all. Labour is continuing to lock us all down in Auckland because they know they poll better when people are scared silly.

Lockdowns will continue until Labour’s polling gets back up to 50%. Considering their own internal polling has shown they’ve barely moved, we may be here for some time.

Lockdown-Poll-results. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD

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