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Jacinda Ardern’s Respect Continues to Nosedive in the UK

black man riding horse emboss-printed mail box
Photo by Kirsty TG. The BFD.

December 14th, 2021.

The fawning, even grovelling respect previously shown to Jacinda Ardern in the UK is continuing to dissipate and she is now a mixture of the butt of jokes and a sense of horror as the UK realises what her policies mean for democracy.

Poppins poll fall. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

Alex Belfield has got his teeth into this and continues to lampoon her unmercifully.

Here is his piece from yesterday. Unusually for Alex, he becomes extremely serious and makes his point rather strongly.

To show the penetration his channel gets, last week he hit 8,000,000 views over the week.

Although not a supporter of Boris Johnson, neither is he the usual run of the mill leftie comedian. He lampoons everyone where necessary.

Meanwhile, there was action in Parliament today. The government introduced new measures to combat the new Corona variant but with the threat of Conservative backbenchers threatening to vote against the motion. The motion was eventually passed with the support of the Labour opposition with 98 Conservatives disobeying party whips and voting against the Government. It was thought that 70 MPs were opposed to Johnson until he had a last-minute phone around trying to convince them to support him. Opposition hardened after that – perhaps they don’t trust him.

“The outcome raises serious questions about whether Mr Johnson has the political capital to bring in harsher measures that might be needed if Omicron runs rampant.  

Veteran Tory Geoffrey Clifton-Brown, a member of the 1922 Committee executive, warned that Mr Johnson is ‘in danger’ and a leadership contest next year is ‘on the cards’. ‘The PM has got to think very carefully about how he is going to reset his performance,’ he said”.  

Daily Mail  14 December 2021.

Daily Mail

The rumour is that this is the precursor to more shutdowns if the situation deteriorates with a lockdown of the hospitality industry on the cards. If that happens, then the hospitality industry will have been destroyed.

To add to his woes, the latest YouGov poll (4 days ago) shows support for Labour at 40%, Conservatives 33% and LibDem 9%. In the Ipsos Mori poll yesterday, in answer to the question “who would make the most capable Prime Minister” out of Mr Johnson and Sir Keir, the vote was split 31 per cent and 44 per cent respectively. Sir Keir’s lead in the polling marks the first time a Labour leader has come out on top with the pollsters since January 2008, when Gordon Brown was up against David Cameron.

Satisfaction with Mr Johnson is also at an all-time low, with almost two thirds (65 per cent) saying they felt dissatisfied with his leadership – a rise of four per cent since November. (Ipsos Mori 13 December).

All of this foreshadows trouble for Johnson; there is a by-election on Thursday in North Shropshire, a safe Conservative seat with a majority of nearly 23,000. The election was caused by the resignation of Owen Paterson, the MP at the heart of the recent sleaze scandal. In a sign of the times Johnson has been persuaded to stay away from the region in case he has an adverse effect on the electorate!!

Deer Popcorn GIF

In terms well known to readers of The BFD, “Time to get the popcorn ready.”

It is obvious that Johnson is in deep trouble and his occupation of 10 Downing Street is under severe pressure.

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