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Jacinda Can Forget about COVID Fearmongering Now

The BFD. Jacinda and Team NZ. Photoshopped image credit Luke

Audrey Young tells me in the left-wing Weekend Herald headline, “Ardern looks ahead after digesting win and a whisky”. Well, she daren’t look back otherwise she’ll see what a dismal failure her first term was. All the key indicators in all the key areas were heading in the wrong direction. I’m told the victory celebration continues as she comes across new gems for Labour in the result. For an instant, I thought she was talking about some of her team of 65. I thought perhaps a few more Phil Twyfords had emerged from the spoils.

But no, this particular gem was “We won Morrinsville”. You remember that place, her old hometown where she had a problem wrapping the fish and chips. The truth is you didn’t win it of your own volition dearie. The Greens, who have scared the living daylights out of the farmers, inadvertently gifted it you through the party vote. Just like you scared the daylights out of everyone else. “It’s probably the most historic thing that happened that night that has yet to be reported”, you joked.

Wrong again dearie. It’s certainly no joke. The most historic thing that has yet to be reported by your leftie girlfriends in the media is the fact that a government that proved to be so unquestionably useless in their first term was elected for a second term in a landslide. You, Jacinda, are a prime example of that ineptness. As Minister for Child Poverty, self-appointed, you were a failure in comparison to what was achieved under the last National Government. Under National, the number of children in material deprivation dropped from 195,800 in 2013 to 139,600 in 2017. That’s 56,200 fewer kids in poverty. Under your Ministership the number has grown to 151,700 or 12,100 more kids in poverty.

The BFD. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

I bet the whisky’s not tasting as good when you’re confronted with that fact. You gave yourself a second job which you failed at the first attempt to go with the wrapping of the takeaways. Talking of takeaways, you have nothing to take away from your first term in government other than failure. David Farrar has the top eleven on his blog site if you’d care to look them up. In every area, all you read is a litany of non-achievement or broken promises. For the life of me, I can’t see anything changing in your second term.

As Trump said to Biden, you’re all talk but you don’t get anything done. Forty-seven years and what have you achieved? Nothing. This is typical of the left. Plenty of communication but no application to achieve any sort of transformation. You were supposed to be running a transformational government. In your first term, most of the 43 weren’t up to the task, including yourself, and now you’ve just added another 22. Most of the 65 will be nothing but a drain on us poor sods otherwise known as the taxpayers.

You are now talking as if your landslide was due to your first term successes of which there were precisely none. A big fat zero. You won because you talked about nothing but Covid, scaring the pants off everyone in the process. No talk of Covid from you now. No appearances on the television at 1pm now. Mission accomplished. Having conned us all you can move on. If only you would. You are just not up to the job.

After another three years of your inaction we’ll all be in poverty.

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