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Jacinda Stops Media Talking About Ihumatao

Oh dear. You know you are in trouble when your office tries to shut down the media, who are asking perfectly legitimate questions about an issue that is currently at the forefront of the news.

Jacinda Ardern has personally tried to prevent media from asking about the Ihumatao dispute while on a charm offensive in the Pacific.

Her staff threatened journalists with restricted access to the PM if they did, forcing her Beehive team to intervene from Wellington.

This is as bad as it is ever going to get. The most ‘open and transparent government’ has turned the dogs on the media for asking legitimate questions about the Ihumatao affair, which is currently a hot topic in this country.

Correct me if I am wrong, but I cannot recall a similar incident with any prime minister in living memory. This sort of thing is a death knell to her popularity. And Jacinda’s popularity has just seen a 4% drop in the latest One News poll.

After crisis calls from the capital, media were allowed a second shot.

In other words, she was told to pull her head in.

Ardern says she’s not worried about the protests escalating.
“Regardless of what’s happening domestically or locally we have a great team that pick up the reigns [sic] when offshore,”  


Gosh, Jacinda… who would that be? Kelvin Davis, who is in charge this week? Phil Twyford? Megan Woods? Kris Faafoi, one of the few competent ministers in this government is also on the Tokelau trip, so it can’t be him. Who else is competent enough to actually handle this?

The pressure is starting to show with Jacinda. She is starting to believe her own hype. She thinks she can threaten the media and they will still be nice to her. They won’t.

Watch her popularity disappear like a snowball in a microwave after this.

Newshub has been a huge supporter of Jacinda Ardern. They have promoted her agenda relentlessly. Tova O’Brien, with her apparent hatred of Simon Bridges, has been a fawning advocate. Jacinda has just made the enormous mistake of taking it all for granted.

Here is the friendly face of one of Jacinda’s staff. Looks like a lovely lady.

I don’t know about you, but I think Jacinda really is starting to crack. Her charm offensive just fell apart. Watch this space; things may get really ugly.


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

‘I’ve tried to put on a page how it feels to lead – all the highs and lows, the parts of the job people don’t often see, and the many lessons I learned along the way.’ – Ardern

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