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Jackboot Jacinda Channels Her Inner Stasi

Karen. Photoshopped image credit Dieuwe de Boer

Jackboot Jacinda Ardern has channelled her inner Stasi, something all socialists have built into their gene pool, and started to implore that we become a nation of Karens:

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has urged people to call out family and colleagues who are not following the rules of the alert levels.

She was speaking to media this afternoon after a Cabinet meeting, joined by Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield.

Ardern says she understands people are frustrated about rule-breaches and changes in alert levels. She reiterates the various measures the government has in place and asks people to follow the rules.

She reminds New Zealanders we have had breaches before, and we have recovered from them.

“Quite simply, we cannot do this alone,” she says.

She says New Zealand’s experience has been accompanied by high rates of compliance.

“Rule breaking can prolong that plan, so that is why I’m asking everyone now more than ever to continue to back and support one another and if that means calling a family member or colleague out for not following the rules then we should do that. Do it with kindness, but do it.

“Perhaps offering someone a mask on a bus if you see someone not wearing one, but on a larger scale telling a family member who you know should be isolating ‘don’t go out’, or saying to a colleague who turns up to work when they should be isolating or are waiting for a test result ‘go home’.”

She says it is not an instruction to go tell authorities about rule breaking, or for people to do something they are uncomfortable with, but to confront people directly.

“Go and talk to your friend or colleague, if they’re sick tell them to go home… I think we should all encourage one another to follow the rules.”

Radio New Zealand

So snitch on your neighbours but do it kindly: “Please sir, little Johnny has gone to his friends.”

I’ll tell you what I will do if someone tries to do that to me…I’ll tell them to “Get Stuffed!”

I was explaining to people over the weekend, while I was lockdown busting by going shooting on Sunday, “It’s perfectly OK to tell people to get stuffed.”

“You should wear a mask”…”Get Stuffed!”

“You should be using the app”…”Get Stuffed!”

“You should scan in”…”Get Stuffed!”

“You should stay at home”…”Get Stuffed!”

“You shouldn’t be doing that”…”Get Stuffed!”

See, it’s easy once you get the hang of it.

It’s OK to tell people to get stuffed. Feel the freedom.

Karen. Photoshopped image credit Dieuwe de Boer

It’s time to take your life back from the controlling Karen who is our Prime Minister.

Start that process by your own actions and words. Feel the freedom, just say, “No, Get Stuffed!”

It is no use whinging about things. Just take action and tell the Prime Minister and her army of Karens to get stuffed.

It’s up to you.

I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees. Living free is what our forefathers fought wars for.

Live free. Van Morrison has written a song just for these times:

And he teamed up with Eric Clapton for another freedom song:

Live free, start by saying, “Get stuffed.”
