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‘Jackboot’ Jacinda’s Loose Lips Smear Another Minimum Wage Worker

Image credit The BFD.

It looks like Jacinda Ardern‘s loose lips in Parliament have smeared yet another minimum wage worker:

First Security says the Government has misrepresented its efforts to ensure its managed isolation workers are getting regular Covid-19 surveillance tests.

The company, contracted to provide security guards to some managed isolation and quarantine facilities (MIQ), has contested Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins’ claim that it failed to identify its employee was not receiving legally required surveillance tests.

The company’s guard, one of three workers at the Grand Millennium hotel who have tested positive for Covid-19, had not taken a required fortnightly surveillance test for as many as six months. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has alleged the worker was “lying to their employer”.

A First Security spokeswoman said, in a written statement, the Ministry of Health’s border worker testing system “did not flag this guard as non-compliant until 26th March, at which time the follow up process began”.

“If a guard’s status shows they are non-compliant in the border worker testing system, First Security takes all necessary steps to ensure testing is undertaken.”


And it wasn’t just Ardern prancing all over a minimum wage worker’s privacy and rights in her jackboots. Chris Hipkins jumped in too.

First Security better watch out though, don’t they realise someone has to take the rap, and it won’t be Ardern or Hipkins. This government is perfect.

This is the second time blame has been heaped on the low-paid by those speaking from the ‘podium of truth‘. Even Ryan Bridge uses the term now:

‘Jackboot’ Jacinda Ardern is becoming a real bully. She should apologise for these attacks, including to the KFC worker. Instead she has doubled down:

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern isn’t back-pedaling from calling an infected security guard a “liar”, but accepts the Government is partly to blame for the lax vetting of the testing of MIQ workers.

Meanwhile, the testing register which the Government says will improve the checks and balances is being questioned; the guard’s employer, First Security, says the register didn’t raise a red flag about his tests until March 26, more than four months after his previous test. […]

Asked today if she regretted calling Case B a liar, Ardern deflected: “My language yesterday was blunt. I absolutely accept that.”

She said the Government wasn’t blame-free in the failure to check whether Case B was being tested every fortnight.

“We as a Government are that final check and balance. We absolutely recognise there are things we needed to improve to be that backstop measure, and we’re doing that.”

NZ Herald

Calling a minimum wage worker a “liar” certainly isn’t the kindness that the luvvie media tell us the Prime Minister is known for.

The Prime Minister isn’t kind – she’s just nasty.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker

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