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Jeremy Corbyn is a Damning Indictment on his Party and Voters

Britain seems to be belatedly waking up to the fact that it faces a critical choice in the next few weeks. The choice is between a divided, dysfunctional Tory party and a party of anti-Semitic left extremists led by the nastiest piece of work thrown up by British democracy since Mosley.

Britain’s Chief Rabbi has been backed by Christian, Hindu, Muslim and Sikh leaders after he ­attacked the “poison” of anti-­Semitism in Jeremy Corbyn’s ­Labour Party.

Ephraim Mirvis put Mr Corbyn’s record on anti-Semitism at the heart of the election campaign on Tuesday when he wrote in “unfit for high office”.

He warned that the “very soul of our nation is at stake” on December 12 […]

Mr Corbyn refused four times to apologise to British Jews on Tuesday night (Wednesday AEDT) […] he said racism was “a total ­poison”. “I want to work with every community, to make sure it’s eliminated. That is what my whole life has been about,” he said.

The Board of Deputies of British Jews said the refusal to apologise was shameful.

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby was swift to express solidarity, echoing the concerns over anti-Semitism but without singling out Labour or Mr Corbyn.

“That the Chief Rabbi should be compelled to make such an unprecedented statement at this time ought to alert us to the deep insecurity and fear felt by many British Jews,” Dr Welby said.

The Muslim Council of Britain joined the chorus – yet, somehow managed to make it about them.

The Muslim Council of Britain called anti-Semitism in politics “unacceptable” and also turned its fire on the Conservative party, accusing it of “tolerating Islamophobia and allowing it to fester in society”. The council suggested that Muslims should also follow Rabbi Mirvis’s call to “vote with their conscience” and not vote for the Tories.

Given that everyone else can see the anti-Semitic poison flowing through modern Labour’s veins, how can Corbyn deny it with a straight face?

Corbyn’s world view sees all evil flowing from Western imperialism, racism, economic exploitation, colonialism, neo-colonial­ism, sexism and a few other recently added evils also emanating structurally from the West.

Because Corbyn sees himself as having devoted his life to opposing all this injustice, it follows logically, at least in his warped world view, that he cannot possibly be guilty of racism or anti-Semitism.

The left take it as axiomatic that they are on the side of the angels. Racism belongs to the devil. Therefore, by their twisted logic, the left cannot be racist. No matter how obviously racist they are, whether it be treating blacks like moronic children, or openly hating whites and Jews.

[Corbyn] has a long record of praising anti-Semites and praising specific examples of anti-Semitism, and of supporting terrorists and dictators. He is essentially an unreconstructed communist surrounded by unreconstructed communists. He is the most foully unfit person ever to be contemplated for leader of a major Western nation […]

Nothing is a more powerful indictment of the culture of youth activism than that it could fall for an extremist like Corbyn. An ideological attitude within the liberal arts that sees everything in the West as evil, that holds traditional political process in contempt and that acclaims ever greater intensity of outrage against the West’s sins, produces a generation, or at least a slice of a generation, for whom Corbyn is the natural leader.

Corbyn’s vileness is glaringly obvious. Yet, Labour are leading the polls among 18-29 year olds. Young Britons are flocking to Corbyn’s banner with the fervour of Hitler Jugend. There could be no greater indictment of the left’s Long March through the education system and the moral failure of nearly half of a generation.


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