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Jig Is up in Chikzwithdikzkrieg

The endless quest for fancy identities is fuelling a bonfire of woke vanity. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

The pushback against transgender ideology is gathering pace as the forces of sanity recover from the first shocks of the Chikzwithdikzkrieg. The assault of the Queermacht caught everyone by surprise so successfully that it’s taken years — and thousands of mutilated, damaged children and their families — for the forces of reason to rally.

But the fight back is beginning. It’s not the end, or even the beginning of the end. The Battle of Britain is turning, with the Panzy Brigade facing their first major defeat.

The Tavistock gender clinic is facing mass legal action from youngsters who claim they were rushed into taking life-altering puberty blockers.

Lawyers expect about 1,000 families to join a medical negligence lawsuit alleging vulnerable children have been misdiagnosed and placed on a damaging medical pathway.

They are accusing the gender identity development service [GIDS] at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust of multiple failures in its duty of care.

The Times

NHS England has announced that it is closing the Tavistock clinic — but don’t be lulled into a false sense of security. The NHS is simply scattering its forces among dozens of new “gender” clinics across England. But it’s clear that they’re at the very least in a panicked retreat.

Across the Atlantic, too, the forces are rallying.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) is facing pushback from medical professionals over its formal endorsement of “gender-affirmative care” for minors and accusations that it silenced internal dissent.

“Gender-affirmative care” is a euphemism for “pump troubled kids with chemical castration drugs and butcher their genitals”. Its evidence basis is thin-to-non-existent. It’s 100% ideological barbarity — and more doctors are finding the courage to say so.

AAP pediatricians are challenging the 2018 policy statement. On March 31, five pediatricians — whose names were redacted from the document — submitted Resolution 27 to the AAP and formally requested that the organization “undertake a rigorous systematic review of available evidence regarding the safety, efficacy, and risks of childhood social transition, puberty blockers, cross sex hormones and surgery” and then “update the 2018 guidelines for the care of gender dysphoric youth, based on the results of this evidence review.”

Resolution 27 points to similar measures taken by the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, Australia, and other countries, where medical guidance has been updated to discourage gender-affirming care, such as hormone therapy and puberty blockers, for minors. The resolution cites concerns about gender-affirming care impairing sexual function and fertility, as well as the “increasing evidence of regret and detransition” among those who have undergone such treatments.

Like the Climate Cult, the Gender Cult are infiltrating professional bodies and peddling their ideological bullshit without ever actually consulting their members. In fact, they’re pre-emptively censoring their own members. Under new rules, the AAP is gatekeeping “sponsored” resolutions, which can only be granted by certain individuals. Guess which resolutions don’t get sponsored?

It’s the bureaucratic equivalent of sticking their fingers in their ears and chanting, “La-la-la-la”.

On July 18, Genspect, an organization dedicated to evidence-based interventions for treating gender dysphoria, published an open letter to the AAP denouncing the new rule, noting that last year, “a similar ‘unsponsored’ resolution got many supportive pediatrician votes and comments.” Calling it “alarming” that “not a single chapter or committee within the AAP” sponsored Resolution 27, Genspect continued: “It is even more alarming that the AAP appears to be preemptively suppressing debate by not allowing comments on ‘unsponsored’ resolutions.”

National Review

They know the jig is up.
