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The Trojan Horse was a huge hollow wooden horse constructed by the Greeks to gain entrance into Troy during the Trojan War. The Greeks pretended to desert the war and sailed to the nearby island of Tenedos, leaving behind Sinon, who persuaded the Trojans that the horse was an offering to Athena the goddess of war and that it would make Troy impregnable.

Despite the warnings of Laocoon and Cassandra the horse was taken inside the city gates. That night Greek warriors emerged from it to let the returned Greek army in. The term “Trojan Horse” has been used to describe deceptively “benign” computer codes that seem like legitimate applications but are written to damage or disrupt a computer’s programming or to steal personal information.

Joe Biden is a “Trojan Horse” as he pretended that he wasn’t that “woke” but, just like the citizens of Troy, Americans have found out that the cruel joke is on them.

The craziest conspiracy of all time was that Biden was going to be good for America. Biden was supposed to “fix things up” after the dreadful “Orange man” and his “deplorables”. Peace was supposed to break out once Biden got into power but instead the polar opposite has happened.

How dumb does Biden have to be to create a gasoline shortage in America? It’s like the Naughty Nineties film “Dumb and Dumber”, with Jim Carrey playing Hunter Biden and Jeff Daniels playing Joe Biden.

Obama once said Biden would ruin everything he touched, and he should know as Joe was his Vice President. Even Pence (remember him?) said Biden is a Trojan Horse for the radical agenda.

The anguish is plain to see on the faces of those commenting on Biden, like the eloquent black guy on Instagram at the service station, who said America was the biggest producer of crude oil in the world under Trump.  Now gasoline prices are going up and they are running out of fuel. He referred to it as “Goofy SH*T. It’s like back to the future with the OPEC crisis in the 1970’s when gasoline prices were extremely high.

Levin is saying Biden has opened a “Pandora’s Box” of woes. Calamity after calamity is hitting the USA under Biden. Crime rates are higher. In some places, like New York, murders have doubled. No law and order at the border has led to new strains of Covid and criminals coming in. Thousands of children have been brought in by the cartels who will use them for we know not what.

Even Trump’s Middle East peace progress seems to be in jeopardy with Biden reinstating Palestinian funds which they will obviously use to send thousands of rockets into Israel as they are doing now.

But never fear, no matter how bad it gets the Democrats have got a remedy. They will fix the election so that they can never lose. They even resorted to losing an entire database in Maricopa County, Arizona.

Biden has omitted the word God from the National Day of Prayer, but what about “Athena” the Greek goddess of war? The Trojan Horse came into Troy as an offering to Athena. Surely that’s an option. It was for Troy. But then look at how that turned out.

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