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It is impossible to avoid the United States election in our distant land. We are served up a daily dose of Trump Derangement Syndrome because it is part of a global movement to tell us what to think.

Whether or not you believe the Orange Man Bad rhetoric and, despite the fact that you can’t do a damned thing about the outcome, any choice or decision needs to consider the alternatives. In this case, the only alternative is Joe Biden.

This means the real question boils down to whether or not he is the better alternative. The dearth of media reports about a bloke who has been in politics for 47 years should set alarm bells ringing. Accordingly, I have done some digging. Just what sort of a man is Joe Biden? The answer is revealed in family details.

A few weeks ago, the MSM had a field day over Trump referring to dead US soldiers as “losers” – despite no evidence that he ever said anything like that. Journalists proved their total lack of credibility by “quoting” other people’s “unnamed sources”. Joe Biden jumped on the band wagon, feigning anger on behalf of his own son, Beau Biden, who died “a hero and a patriot” following his military service. The Bidens’ sacrifice gave the democrats a pulpit from which to preach a holier-than-thou message, which was taken at face value by a fawning media.

It took but a little effort to fact-check Joe Biden’s claims. Beau served in Iraq, but didn’t die there. He succumbed to a brain tumour six years later, with no connection to military activity.

Beau was a lawyer who used his family connections to be appointed Attorney General of Delaware in 2006. In preparation to run for the state governor’s office, he joined the military to have “service” credibility. He was given the rank of major in the Delaware national guard’s legal office and had one year’s active service, spending four months in Iraq at the heavily defended Camp Victory in Baghdad. The base facilities included a Pizza Hut, Subway, and Burger King, as well as a Turkish novelty goods store, football fields with visiting NFL stars, and concert venues featuring big name acts.

His role was so demanding that he didn’t even have to give up his full-time job as Attorney General for a state half a world away.

For this remarkable bravery, Beau was awarded the Bronze Star, a medal supposedly reserved for acts of heroism in a combat zone. Unusually, nobody on the internet can find any citation for the award, despite many trying hard.

After his death, he was awarded the Legion of Merit medal for exceptional meritorious conduct, presumably for the foresight of having a Vice President as father. His brief military service six years earlier hadn’t been enough.

Frankly this dishonours all those who served bravely in Iraq, faced real danger and had to eat army rations because their fathers couldn’t pull strings.

Beau’s brother, Hunter Biden, also served in the military. He signed up at age 43 as a commissioned officer with a waiver to avoid the normal 4-year officer training program, and was sworn in by the Vice President (daddy) in a ceremony at the White House.

A month later, he was discharged after failing a drug test for cocaine.

He was promptly made a director of Burisma Holdings, a major Ukrainian natural gas producer, while daddy was in charge of Ukrainian policy. The MSM claims any suggestion that the two are linked is a “debunked right-wing conspiracy theory”.

Perhaps it was because Hunter seems to be a genius director. After graduating in 1996, he was given a job at MBNA Bank. Incredibly he rose to executive vice president by 1998. Or maybe that was also due to daddy’s influence. Public records show the bank was a major contributor to daddy’s political campaigns for forty years.

Later, Hunter and Joe’s brother, James Biden, received presidential appointments to the board of Amtrak, the major rail network operator in the United States. Was it purely merit that he was immediately made Vice Chairman? His CV shows no other rail experience.

Joe himself made $15 million in speaking payments in the three years between leaving the Vice President role and his run for the top job. This is the standard bribery arrangement in the United States. It is illegal to take payments for policy decisions while in office, but perfectly legal for the beneficiaries and lobbyists of those policies to later hire retired officials as guest speakers at a million dollars per hour. Bill Clinton has received around $100 million this way, after leaving the oval office broke.

None of this should come as any surprise given Joe’s early career. He was caught plagiarising at university, and he repeated the offence in a 1987 speech. He avoided the Viet Nam draft through technicalities.

Eight women have made complaints of sexual harassment, but I do not dwell on this because the evidence is as substantial as that used by the democrats to abuse Judge Brett Kavanagh’s appointment to the Supreme Court.

This is the swamp that Trump wants to drain, and it is no wonder the establishment is fighting so hard to protect it. If you have bought the Orange Man Bad line, don’t expect Biden to be any better.

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