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John Money: The Ground Zero of Groomerism

The origins of transgender ideology are steeped in academically-justified paedophilia.

If you’ve ever wondered how we got from “gay people should be left alone” to men in dresses waving their dicks at children at “Family Friendly Pride Events”, you’re not alone. While it may seem like the onslaught of transgenderism and rainbow groomers has come out of nowhere, the truth is that it festered in the shadows of academia for decades, mostly unnoticed.

Allow me to shine a light into some very dark places — not least, right here in New Zealand. Yes, that’s right: one of the leading figures in the gender movement was none other than a Kiwi. You must be so proud.

Dr. John Money, a sexologist and psychologist from New Zealand who practiced at Johns Hopkins, is considered the first to coin the terms “gender identity” and “gender role,” describing the “internal experience of sexuality” and the “social expectations of male and female behavior” respectively. These concepts are prominently featured in trans activism today, and are used to bolster claims of “gender fluidity.”

It goes without saying that the character of an academic or politician doesn’t necessarily reflect on their ideology: that Martin Luther King Jr was almost certainly party to rape sessions doesn’t invalidate the Civil Rights movement, for instance. But when a thought-leader’s character is directly reflected in the movement they found, it’s definitely pertinent. Karl Marx was an ideological bully who wrote, “Worlds I would destroy forever”. It’s no accident that Marxists have excelled at destroying the worlds of hundreds of millions of their victims.

It’s notable, then, that so many of the thought-leaders of the Queer Theory and gender ideology movements are so deeply creepy — with a peculiar bent for paedophilia.

Like many sexologists, Money believed pedophilia was a harmless sexuality which, when practiced “properly,” led to the child suffering no harm. In fact, Money’s theories on pedophilia were so sympathetic that, to this day, his work is prominently featured on the website of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA)– one of the longest-established pederast rights groups.

In the 1990s, Money allowed himself to be featured in interviews with Paidika, a pedophile psychology journal named after the Greek adjective for “boyish,” and has been used by pedophile rights activists to refer to the younger partner in a pederastic relationship.

Money was far from alone in this sort of stuff. Australian leftists like Richard Neville and Dorothy Hewitt variously championed, bragged about or enabled paedophilia. Michel Foucault was not just an open proponent of paedophilia, but allegedly a prolific practitioner. Alfred Kinsey advocated freeing convicted paedophiles — and got up to even weirder stuff, like circumcising himself with a pocket knife and no anaesthesia, and encouraging and filming his staff having orgies.

But Money’s views on pedophilia hardly touch the darkest and most depraved facets of his history, those being reserved for the case of David (born Bruce) Reimer.

As a result of a botched medical circumcision, Reimer’s penis was badly mutilated. His parents sought Money’s help. What they got was something much, much darker.

Money recommended Reimer be subjected to a genital reconstruction to create a vulva, and suggested to his parents that raising him as a girl would be in his best interests. He was convinced that “gender” could be socially learned, and Reimer provided an ideal subject through which to test his theories due to having a twin brother, Brian, that could be used as a male control.

By “control”, what Money really meant was “fresh meat”: which is what he treated both Reimer children as.

During check-ups, Money would subject the twin boys to disturbing experiments. They were forced to replicate sexual intercourse with each other, touch and inspect each other’s genitals, and watch pornography. Money would show the twins photos from smut magazines and “explicit” sexual photos of kids. He would then prod them about their sexual arousal, and question their attractions. The children were also expected to comply in front of audiences of as many as 6 other adults, and some reports state Money also took photos and videos of the children engaged in rehearsed sexual activity. At the time, both of the twins were just 6 years old.

Like all groomers, Money presented a very different face to the world than he did to his victims.

Later testimony from one of the twins stated that Money had “two sides” to his personality — one when their parents were around, and one when they were alone. When alone with the children, Money was abusive and got irate with them for refusing to perform for him. In a later statement, they both recall fearing he would “whup” them if they did not do as he asked and strip their clothes.

Both Reimer boys became tragic lifelong victims of Money’s revolting “theories” and even more hideous practises. David — who refused to identify as female, even as a child — and Robert both suicided in their late 30s.

John Money’s legacy continues to haunt us all.

Despite the disturbing origins, Money’s legacy lives on in the concept of “gender” as a unique and quantifiable element apart from sex. It also lives on in the existence of gender identity clinics, the first of which was established by Money at Johns Hopkins in 1965 […]

John Money was a pervert. He was a child abuser. He was a pedophile sympathizer, if not a pedophile himself. And if a movement finds its origins in a man like John Money, it is time for that movement to do some (gendered) soul searching.


Why would they stop now, when they’re well on the way to getting what they’re clearly so desperate for: legalised paedophilia?
