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Joint Statement Re Hamas Attack on Israel, Plus Vigils


The below joint statement was sent out yesterday. Since the time of publication, a number of politicians have spoken out condemning Hamas: New Zeal leader Alfred Ngaro, National’s Chris Luxon, ACT’s David Seymour and then Labour’s Chris Hipkins. We are pleased that these leaders responded to the call to unequivocally condemn the unprovoked attack on innocent civilians. A candle vigil will be held in Auckland, Hastings and Wellington to remember those who have been murdered. Please see the details below.

The following organisations call on our Government, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, all political parties in New Zealand and all NGOs to condemn in the strongest possible terms the unprovoked attack on Israel and attack and murder of civilians in the streets, in bomb shelters and in their homes, and the kidnaping of a countless number of people by Hamas, the terrorist organisation.

Israel has been attacked on the Jewish Sabbath and Simchat Torah, a day which is supposed to be one of joy. This day comes at the end of a week-long festival of Succot, when people from all over the world including from New Zealand and our Pacific neighbours, are celebrating in Jerusalem and standing in solidarity with Israel.

We call on the Government of New Zealand to immediately:

  • Condemn outright, without any excuses or justifications, the actions by Hamas.
  • To proscribe Hamas, and all parts of it, as a terrorist organisation.
  • To support Israel’s right to defend itself and its people

