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Just Lie Back and Think of Open Borders

Open borders policies have created a rape crisis in Europe. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As I wrote recently, the repeated insistence that illegal immigrants in the US are less likely to commit crimes than citizens is a myth based entirely on a handful of crank “studies” by a single pro-open borders activist. Nevertheless, by dint of endlessly repeating the lie, the left-media have erected an edifice of “proof”.

Just ignore all the crimes being committed by illegal immigrants, you bigots. Especially the ones churned through the revolving door at the southern border.

On Monday, police arrested a Maryland teacher on child sex abuse charges. Authorities revealed that the teacher is an illegal immigrant from El Salvador and had been previously deported.

Ervin Jeovany Alfaro Lopez, 33, has been accused of sexually abusing at least three minors between the ages of 6 and 12 years old. Police said the abuse occurred between 2016 and 2018 at the Elim Gaithersburg Church he had been teaching at in Maryland.

The Post-Millennial

No doubt the open borders loons will try and pin this on “paedophile priests”, but in this case Lopez was a teacher employed by the Church.

Pastor Bernal Osorio with the Elim Gaithersburg Church […] told WUSA9 that his church cooperated with the police investigation. “We don’t know people’s hearts. At first we were shocked. How could this be possible? But as details came to light, we were outraged. I pity the people that make these decisions,” he added.


It does, however, beg the question of why and how the church employed a serial illegal immigrant in the first place.

Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) confirmed that Lopez is an illegal immigrant who had been previously deported in 2015.

In that case, it took US courts four years to boot the illegal immigrant out. It took far less time for him to waltz right back in.

After being deported in 2019, Lopez illegally re-entered the US. He was apprehended again on March 9, 2020 in Rio Grande Valley, Texas. He was deported back to El Salvador on March 24, 2020.

ICE said it’s unclear when he illegally returned to the US after the March 2020 deportation.

The Post-Millennial

But Lopez is far from the only “low crime” illegal to commit crimes against American children.

An illegal immigrant has been arrested after allegedly attempting to kidnap a 13-year-old girl from a school in West Valley City, Utah.

Miguel Angel Vega Sedano, 21, was subsequently charged with child kidnapping, as well as forging documents he allegedly used to fool people into believing he had entered the US legally and was allowed to stay.

The Post-Millennial

And, like a drag queen molesting a tot, the crimes that the left media don’t believe ever happen, just keep happening.

An illegal immigrant male has been arrested in Campbell County, Virginia, and charged with sexual assault against a minor.

32-year-old Renzo Mendoza Montes is a Venezuelan national. In September, he was detained and released by US Customs and Border Patrol in El Paso, Texas.

And didn’t that work out well?

Court records obtained by WSLS revealed that the offense occurred on January 21, and Montes received one charge related to the sexual assault of a victim between the ages of 13 and 14, and another charge involved “sexual offenses” against a child under the age of 15.

Then there are all the murders.

This comes after another Venezuelan man was charged in the murder of Augusta nursing student Laken Riley. Jose Antonio Ibarra, 26, was arrested and charged in connection with her death. Riley was out for a job on UGA’s campus at the time she was attacked and killed by Ibarra.

Ibarra also entered the country illegally in September and put in an asylum claim. That claim gave him the legal status, under the Biden administration, to remain in the US pending trial. It is unknown when his trial was set for, but many asylum seekers are given dates to appear in court many years into the future.

You just know this creep was able to leverage the system all the way, with the help of so-called “humanitarian” legal services.

In Ibarra’s case, he applied for asylum with his wife, who said the two got married in order to merge their two cases. They entered the country together along with her 5-year-old son. Ibarra was arrested on child endangerment charges in New York, though the case was dismissed, and the records sealed.

The Post-Millennial

What has Joe Biden got to say about the invasion he unleashed at the southern border? Well, he says he’s sorry.

Sorry for hurting foreign murderer’s and rapist’s feelings.

Joe Biden said Saturday that he regretted using the term “illegal” during his State of the Union address to describe the suspected killer of University of Georgia nursing student Laken Riley […]

[Donald] Trump, campaigning in Rome, Georgia, at the same time, assailed Biden for the comments.

“Joe Biden went on television and apologized for calling Laken’s murderer an illegal,” he said to loud jeers and boos. “Biden should be apologizing for apologizing to this killer.”

The Guardian

He should be apologising to the entire nation and resigning in shame. But he’d have to remember what year it is, to do that.
