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Just like a Pandemic, Only Itchy!

Hat-tip: if the person next to you at the gay pride orgy looks like this, don’t have sex with them. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Here we go again, folks. Daily updates on outbreaks of a new and scary-sounding disease. Authorities “alarmed”. Globalists gathering under the WHO banner and demanding a worldwide pandemic response. Enforced quarantine.

Get the feeling you’ve read this script before?

To borrow from the old Cocoa Pops slogan: Monkeypox: just like a Covid crisis, only itchy!

OK, this isn’t a “new” disease: monkeypox has been around since the late 50s when it was first discovered in West Africa. A relative of smallpox originally confined to monkeys — hence the name — it made the evolutionary jump to humans in the 70s in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The disease is symptomatically similar to chickenpox, except for causing swollen glands. Although it is a relatively hard disease to catch, it has a case high fatality rate — but that is likely due to previous outbreaks occurring in poor African countries where quick treatment was unavailable.

Sporadic outbreaks have occurred even in recent years, so why the sudden panic?

Look! Here’s a WHO bootlicker already sounding the alarm:
Two whole cases in the United States? We better euthanize grandma now and avoid the Christmas rush.

Belgium has imposed a 21-day lockdown for anyone with symptoms of monkeypox. By symptoms, I can only assume they mean grotesque sores that are impossible to hide with a mask because they cover the victim’s entire body. A dead giveaway. If you see a monkeypoxed person, do not have “intimate” contact with them … which brings us to the origins of the new reason to shut down the world.

Here’s the part that the media aren’t keen to say out loud: just how did a rare, African disease make its way to Europe and thence to America and Australia?

It appears the current outbreak started at a gay fetish festival aptly named “Darklands,” which recently took place in… Antwerp, Belgium. Monkeypox is hard to contract; it seems one can only get it from “close contact” with an infected person.

And when we say “close contact”, we mean close contact. Prepare the mind-bleach, folks.

Darklands is a gay men’s leather fetish, spank, and sex festival. One of the highlights of Darklands is called “Mr. Puppy,” where gay men in leather parade around with gay men dressed as dogs on a leash in a Westminster-ish competition. #GayPride!

[…] If I had to guess, I’d suggest the monkeypox may have been spread at the “Horse Fair,” where “mares” wear only hoods and boots, and “stallions” … uh … ride them. Mares may not refuse sex from any stallion, but they can say no to kissing. Don’t blame me, I didn’t make the rules.

PJ Media
This is totally normal, you bigot. The BFD.

So, when Joe Biden says that “We’re working on it hard to figure out what we do,” one of the first things that springs to mind is “don’t get into gay gang bangs with men dressed as dogs and horses”. Especially if they’re covered in grotesque, weeping sores. No wonder they wear hoods and boots.

Just in case you think this is some kind of anti-gay misinformation, don’t take my word for it:

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday alerted gay and bisexual men that monkeypox appears to be spreading in the community globally, warning people to take precautions if they have been in close contact with someone who may have the virus and to be on the lookout for symptoms.

Dr. John Brooks, a CDC official, emphasized that anyone can contract monkeypox through close personal contact regardless of sexual orientation. However, Brooks said many of the people affected globally so far are men who identify as gay or bisexual.


By “many”, they mean “nearly all”.

Health authorities in Spain have attributed the majority of monkeypox infections in the country to a single outbreak in a now-closed gay sauna in the Madrid region […]

Authorities have also confirmed the first cases of monkeypox in Belgium, which have been linked to visitors of the Darklands fetish festival which took place from 4-9 May.

Pink News

Naturally, with the AIDS panic still a living memory, the enforcers of rainbow orthodoxy are already rushing to clamp down on reporting of the gay fetish gang-bang link. But is it really “homophobic” to suggest that, hey, guys, if that “stallion” about to play the baloney-poney with your “mare”-parts is covered in oozing lesions, maybe it’s time to say to hell with the “rules” and tell them to take themselves off to the knackers?
