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Justice Minister Andrew Little Tells Black Lives Matter Movement at Parliament “We’ve Got to Change’

Andrew LittleMinister of Justice, Minister for Treaty of Waitangi Negotiations, and Minister in charge of the Government Communications Security Bureau and New Zealand Security Intelligence Service.

Justice Minister Andrew Little has admitted that there is “something wrong” with New Zealand’s justice system, as thousands across New Zealand took to the streets in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement.

Speaking to thousands who marched to Parliament this afternoon, Little admitted that “we’ve got to change,” when speaking about New Zealand’s justice system.

He said that as Minister of Justice, it was “pretty clear to me pretty much the day I got in that office what was happening in our criminal justice system”.

“When well over half of the men in our prisons are Maori, when nearly two-thirds of women in our prisons are Maori, that tells you there is something wrong with the system.”

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