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A little mystery rippled across Wellington last week. Some public-spirited soul attached a stainless-steel plaque to an Aro St retaining wall commemorating the incident from 1974 when senior public servant and Soviet spy Bill Sutch was apprehended while passing a dossier of documents to KGB officer Dimitri Razgovorov. The plaque was complete with a photo of the Russian hoofing it up Aro St after being intercepted by the SIS on the night.

The BFD.

New information reveals the ‘Sutch’ dossier contained detailed information on the private lives of six senior New Zealand public servants. One senses the information was to be used to blackmail the individuals concerned. Such is the bounty of sharing companionship and confidence both with the ideologically-driven socialist; it is to be awfully, embarrassingly, compromised or exposed, it is to be betrayed.

Sutch was subsequently found not guilty and had legion apologists, even when, after the fall of the Soviet Union, official USSR records showed he had worked for the KGB for 24 years. This probably explains how the humble public servant accumulated properties in Wellington, Auckland, Kapiti and the Bahamas, along with a Swiss bank account. It all confirmed the corrupt but all too common hard-leftist ethos of Animal Farm’s disastrous ruling pig Napoleon: “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

The story re-opening the affair did its work in the form of yet another apologist crawling from under her rock to write in defense of Sutch, Razgovorov and Marxism, a couple of days later, in the DomPost. It will come as no surprise to you all upon learning the sympathiser from Levin is a former educator of educators, and a writer of ‘books for children’, but good on her for putting on display all the moral and historical revisionism and relativism so common to her insufferable ilk.

Beginning “How well I remember the nonsense about the Russian “spy”, before assuring us that “when she was a member of the USSR-NZ Friendship Society” she found Razgovorov “observant and witty” before finishing…

That’s enlightening, indeed edifying, don’t you think? I had no idea Jesus of Nazareth ever spoke of the munificence of totalitarianism or the humanitarianism of the gulag, but as for Martin Luther King – perhaps writer Judith is referring to this little homily to Marx from King’s ‘My Pilgrimage to Non-violence’:

Marx posited a metaphysical materialism, an ethical relativism, and a strangulating totalitarianism. I strongly disagreed with communism’s ethical relativism. Since for the Communist there is no divine government, no absolute moral order, there are no fixed, immutable principles; consequently almost anything – force, violence, murder, lying – is a justifiable means to the ‘millennial’ end. This type of relativism was abhorrent to me.

Or perhaps more succinctly: “my response to communism was and is negative, and I considered it basically evil”.

Hilariously, our correspondent ends her epistle of fudges and falsehoods with a slogan attributed to another ‘Napoleon’, how wonderfully ironic, and comic. No wonder she’s an ‘award-winning’ writer; after all, ‘almost anything is justifiable’

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