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Kamala Odds On to Lose

In a Trump v Harris match up, Harris is doing worse in the crucial Rust Belt swing states than Biden.

Photo by Morgan Lane / Unsplash


The media can drool over Kamala Harris as much as they like but, as with the denial of Biden’s dementia, the public are once again having the wool pulled over their eyes. The only positive she has over Trump is her age. In terms of ability, if she has any, she’s keeping it well hidden. Her most distinctive traits are her ability to accrue failures, and her maniacal laugh. She stood for president in 2020 and pulled out early on due to the lack of support. Tulsi Gabbard, also a contender, exposed Harris for who she really is: someone who exhibits far-left tendencies.

Harris has got to where she is, not through her own abilities, but rather by executing the means whereby she got to ride on the coat-tails of others. I could be more explicit. Changing from Biden to Harris is akin to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Not that that matters to the Democrats. They have one aim and one aim only: to hold on to power. That is all that matters. They don’t give a toss about Biden, Harris or anyone else. The name of the party itself is dripping with irony. They’re the least Democratic Party outside of a dictatorship in the Western world.

It once lived up to its name but no more. Today’s Democratic Party is a very different beast. They don’t believe in democracy, are filled with hatred, despise anyone who disagrees with them and have little respect for transparency or the truth. They, including Harris, covered up for Biden until the debate, when his state became so obvious to everyone watching that the game was up. This is something for which Harris should be held to account.

The fact she was part of the cover up makes her a liar. She was the one closest to him and would have known for a long time exactly what the situation was. Once the debate had let the cat out of the bag, something had to be done and Biden was unceremoniously dumped in favour of the hapless Harris. This is how they operate. Think about it. If Biden hadn’t agreed to that debate prior to the party convention (debates are not normally held prior), Biden would have won the nomination. Not that it matters much in terms of winning the election. Either way they’re set to lose.

Joe Biden of course is not the person running the country. The ones in the White House that are, have the ear of the likes of Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. These are the people who are really running the country. These are the ones who have their hands on the levers of power and are unwilling to let go. They were happy to back ‘Sleepy Joe’, as he was nothing more than a figurehead puppet and not the one pulling the strings. Joe’s dementia played right into their hands.

In the unlikely event of a Harris win, nothing will change. Both the policies and those putting them forward will remain the same. However, we must not underestimate how dangerous the world would become if Harris ever got near the Oval Office. The possibility of a world war would increase significantly. As Tulsi Gabbard, who served with the army in Iraq, has stated, the Democrats are run by a cabal of warmongers. This is one of reasons she left the party.

Harris might get an initial boost in both money and the polls but it won’t last nor will it be enough to get her over the line. Her favourability is the worst of any vice president in history. This is the case in the swing states of the Rust Belt, where she has little in common with the voters: states such as Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. She must win these to win the White House. One of the most accurate pollsters has just published an electoral college map. For the first time he is using Harris’ favourable and unfavourable numbers in each state to determine the election outcome.

In a Trump v Harris match up, Harris is doing worse than Biden in the crucial Rust Belt swing states. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan are all showing around a eight-to-10-point advantage for Trump. She is not doing that well in the north-east either. While she is doing slightly better in the Sun Belt states, it is not enough to affect the outcome. States like Georgia and Arizona, which Biden won by a whisker in 2020, are trending comfortably towards Trump. The gains Harris is making in the urban areas of each state are more than cancelled out by losses in the rural areas.

The projected election outcome based on the map are Trump with 334 electoral college votes and Harris with 204. That would be a fairly comprehensive win for Trump.

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