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Kansas Is the Latest to Embrace Reality

The reason the Long March left have been so successful is that most people don’t see it impacting their daily lives. It’s only when they wake up to find that nearly every teacher is a leftist, if not an outright Marxist, and every big business is brow-beating them with left-wing talking-points, that they start to take notice.

But, when drag queens are rubbing their fake tits and real cocks in their children’s faces in the school library, people are going to take notice. When their children’s teachers are telling them that they can change their sex and go on crippling, sterilising puberty blockers, and surgically mutilate themselves — while keeping it all a secret from Mum and Dad, you better believe people are going to get angry.

So angry, in fact, that even politicians have to take notice of them, over the honking din of taxpayer-funded activists.

When women and girls are getting smashed on the sports field by mediocre men in bad makeup and cheap wigs, you better believe people are going to ark up.

Kansas is banning transgender athletes from girls’ and women’s sports from kindergarten through college, the first of several possible new laws restricting the rights of transgender people pushed through by Republican legislators over the wishes of the Democratic governor.

If it’s trannies’ “rights” to muscle their way into the girls’ change room, and take all the medals and trophies away from women, then those “rights” start to look an awful lot like old-fashioned misogyny. Not to mention creepy predator-enabling.

The Legislature on Wednesday overrode Gov. Laura Kelly’s third veto in three years of a bill to ban transgender athletes, and came a day after state lawmakers passed a broad bathroom bill. Nineteen other states have imposed restrictions on transgender athletes, most recently Wyoming.

The Kansas law takes effect July 1 and is among several hundred proposals that Republican lawmakers across the U.S. have pursued this year to push back on LGBTQ rights. Kansas lawmakers who back the ban are also pursuing proposals to end gender-affirming care for minors and restrict restroom use.

Which in non-woke language means, “not allowing unscrupulous, deranged therapists to mutilate and sterilise children”, and, “keeping men out of the women’s bathrooms”.

Naturally, the media take the side of the groomers, and insist that it’s all just a “right-wing”, “religious” conspiracy.

Cat Poland, the Kansas mother with a trans son, said: “They just keep taking the next, the next step, the next step, until where are trans people supposed to go?”


They can go where they’re supposed to go: men to the Men’s, and women to the Ladies. If so-called “transwomen” can’t cut it on the field against the rest of the men, then too bad. That doesn’t give them any imaginary right to take it out on the girls.

It’s notable, after all, that trannies steadfastly reject any and all offers to have their very own, Cocks-in-Frocks league. They react with screeching outrage if anyone offers them the option of their own, third facilities.

The conclusion is obvious: “trans rights” are all about taking away women’s rights and getting men into women’s spaces.

And the normal people — and their representatives — are fast cottoning on.
