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Keep Dogfights for Pilots, Not Desk Jockeys

Dogfight: How to Break It Up Safely in Seconds

When the Biden administration came to office, one of its first acts was to institute a thoroughgoing purge-and-re-education of the American military. Of course, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin justified it as “rid[ding] our ranks of racists and extremists” — but then, Stalin justified his purge of the Red Army on the grounds of “anti-Soviet activity”.

Those remaining were, every single one from the rawest recruit to the highest brass, subjected to a rigorous re-education. Troops were indoctrinated in far-left, racist “Critical Race Theory”, and transgenderism.

So, using “incorrect” pronouns, or perpetrating microaggressions are strictly verboten in the modern, woke US military.

Horrific cruelty to animals? Not such a biggie, apparently.

A senior member of the Department of Defense communications staff has been arrested and charged with participating in a dogfighting ring in the D.C. area for more than 20 years, federal authorities disclosed Monday. The ring regularly trained dogs for fights, ran thousands of dollars in bets on the outcomes, and executed dogs that didn’t die during matches, court records state.

This was no mere grunt or lowly civilian contractor, either.

Frederick Douglass Moorefield Jr., 62, of Arnold, Md., was a deputy chief information officer for command, control and communications for the Secretary of Defense’s Chief Information Officer, court records and Moorefield’s LinkedIn page show.

He is also, allegedly, a steaming pile of human shit.

He was arrested Thursday on a charge of promoting and furthering animal fighting venture, along with a longtime friend who allegedly admitted his participation in dogfighting, Mario D. Flythe, 49, of Glen Burnie.

Investigators found battery jumper cables, which allegedly were used to execute dogs at Moorefield’s house, along with five pit bull-type dogs at his house and five pit bull-type dogs at Flythe’s house, court records show. The FBI, the Department of Agriculture and other local and federal agencies raided both houses on Sept. 6, according to a federal affidavit, finding weighted collars and heavy metal chains used to increase fighting dogs’ strength. Authorities said they also found “an apparatus that is used for involuntarily inseminating female dogs” and stains “consistent with bloodstains from dogfights.”

Both men were released after being arraigned.

I would have released them right into a pit of their own fighting dogs who hadn’t been fed for a week.

Lt. Cmdr. Tim Gorman, a Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement on Monday that the Defense Department was “aware of the criminal complaint” filed against Moorefield in federal district court in Baltimore.

“We can confirm that the individual is no longer in the workplace, but we cannot comment further on an individual personnel matter,” Gorman said. He did not say if Moorefield had been suspended, terminated or allowed to retire.

Well, the Biden military has got more important stuff to deal with, like changing the signs on toilet doors and arranging drag queens for base creches.

Anne Arundel County authorities had received complaints about Moorefield and Flythe for years, and in November 2018 the county animal control was alerted to a report of two dead dogs in a plastic dog food bag in Annapolis, about six miles from Moorefield’s home, [FBI Special Agent Ryan C. Daly] wrote. In addition to the dogs in the bag, investigators found mail addressed to Moorefield, Daly’s affidavit stated.

When Daly spoke to Moorefield on the day of the raid, he acknowledged that he operated under the name “Geehad Kennels,” and that local animal control and law enforcement had previously visited his property, the affidavit states. Flythe told another FBI agent that he used the name “Razor Sharp Kennels” and “admitted to having engaged in dogfighting in the past.”

Washington Post

Psychologist Hal Herzog, whose specialty is the science of human-animal relations, relates how one of his earliest studies was on cock-fighters. Strangely, the cock-fighters loathed dog-fighters. Mostly because cocks will fight each other without provocation — “pure hate”, is how Herzog described the birds — but dogs have to be brutalised and tormented into it.

It’s surely not too much to hope that some of their own medicine is meted out to these creeps, in prison.
