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Keep the Virus Panic Going at All Costs

The media are working overtime to scare you silly about coronavirus. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Governments across Australia are facing a crisis at the moment. How do they hang on to dictatorial emergency powers when there’s no actual emergency?

Easy: keep the fear whipped up to panic level by any means necessary.

There are bugger-all Chinese virus cases in Australia right now, certainly none of them serious, no deaths, and less than a handful of new cases (“cases”, meaning “positive test results”, people who are very likely not even actually sick). Victoria, perhaps the most dictatorially repressive state in Australia, has no new cases at all.

This is a crisis for the COVID dictators.

Luckily, they’ve got a complicit media who are only too happy to keep screeching new panic stories.

A quarantine worker who contracted COVID-19 at the Holiday Inn has the highly contagious UK variant of the virus, genomic sequencing has confirmed.

Victoria recorded no new cases of COVID-19 in the community or in quarantine hotels on Tuesday, but Premier Daniel Andrews confirmed genomic testing revealed the woman who worked at the hotel at Melbourne Airport has the UK strain.

Hmm. A variant of the virus so terrifying that it takes a genomic test to identify it. But how scary is it, really? Even fear-mongering public health bureaucrats mumble in their beards and admit that it certainly isn’t any more severe or deadly. But it’s more infectious! they wail. Is it? We are told that we “have to assume” that it is, but what does the evidence – you know, the holy “the science” – suggest? “It does seem to be more infectious but not dramatically so”, according to an Australian expert. Of course, in large numbers, even a small difference will compound, but in a country with so few cases, the difference is negligible. Certainly nothing to justify the unholy fear-mongering.

But, hey, who are you going to believe? Some egghead, or politicians and the media?

Next thing, you’ll start noticing that they have to look awfully hard to find even the handful of cases in Australia.

The zero cases come after 12,816 tests were carried out across the state on Monday[…]

No new potential COVID-19 exposure sites have been listed by the Health Department after venues the woman visited in Maidstone, Taylors Lakes and Sunshine were identified in the early hours of Monday morning.

It is hoped the genomic sequencing will give authorities clues as to how the woman, who wore a surgical mask and face shield and spoke to hotel residents through a perspex screen, contracted the virus.

Heavens above, next thing you’ll start doubting that the muzzles the government forces you to wear do a damned thing to stop the “tricky” virus.

You might even start believing that governments haven’t got the foggiest idea what they’re doing. I mean, it’s not as if they’re persisting with hotel quarantine long after it’s become blatantly obvious that it’s a disaster waiting to happen.

The woman’s case is the third reported leak within the state’s hotel quarantine system this month.

Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt [said] “We have always said hotel quarantine is the inner ring of containment, followed by testing, tracing, and distancing”.

The Age

When it’s well known that your “inner ring of containment” is a failed policy, yet you persist with it, the obvious conclusion is that you really haven’t got a clue.

But, sure, we’ll believe your bogey-man stories and stay terrified and obedient.

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