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Kerryn Phelps, Your Fakefugees Are Playing up Again

They can’t hide the lefty head-tilt.

Has anyone heard from Dr Kerryn Phelps lately? The pinup-girl of the ultra-wealthy Harbourside green-left used her brief, unlamented stint in parliament as a bully platform for everything the bourgeois almond-fussers hold dear. Not least of all their unrelenting fetishising of illegal immigrants.

Phelps was basically a bunker-busting watermelon dropped on parliament by the Harbourside set. Her scant six months in parliament was the equivalent of Andy Warhol’s 15 minutes in the Showbusiness for Ugly People. The Mother Of All Bourgeois detonated her fakefugee-hugging payload and promptly vanished in an expanding cloud of smug.

Australians are still picking through the wreckage of her 1000-pounder virtue-signalling. At least, as Prince Charles said in one of his rare bursts of clarity, the Luftwaffe left nothing more offensive than rubble. Australia, in the wake of Phelps’ disastrous “Medevac” legislation, is as if the East End had woken up to find everything flattened except the seediest dirty bookshop imaginable, run by El Chapo himself.

An asylum seeker in a Brisbane motel at the centre of recent controversial protests has allegedly been found with child porn.

Police raided the Kangaroo Point Alternate Place of Detention Facility at the Kangaroo Point Central Hotel, in inner Brisbane, on Thursday.

Detectives found electronic devices in the possession of a male detainee, before he was charged with one count each of possessing and distributing child exploitation material.

This isn’t the first kiddy-fiddling fakefugee we’ve had to deal with in Australia, by a long shot. Although we’ve got off comparatively lightly: over on the Continent, Mutti Merkel’s unwashed hordes seem to regard child-rape as something to pass the time when there’s nothing to watch on the telly in their government-provided luxury accommodation.

But if child-abducting creeps like Ali Jaffari turned out to be bad enough pennies once they’d landed on our shores, we had plenty of warning about the Manus mob long before Phelps handed them their golden ticket.

Persistent stories of Manus Island detainees dealing in drugs and child prostitution lead to locals attacking the centre in 2017 with firearms and rocks, after asylum seekers were seen luring a five-year-old local boy inside.

Naturally, New Zealand’s old mate Boozy used the incident to make out that the drug dealers and child-rapists were the real victims. And the Phelpses lapped it up, tearing at their bodices and weeping and wailing for their illegal immigrant matinee idols.

Of course, Kerryn Phelps swore black and blue and crossed her Cross-Your-Heart that the noble brown martyrs of Manus would never stoop to anything so underhanded as faking illness in order to get a free ticket to Australia. Except that nearly all of them did.

The man is one of a number of asylum seekers transferred from Australian detention centres on Manus Island and Nauru for medical treatment.

The men have not been allowed into the community.

Their ongoing detention has led to a series of protests in Brisbane, which have been contrary to coronavirus restrictions limiting the size of public gatherings.

As virtue-signallers are wont to do, Phelps has gone very quiet on the unintended(?) consequences of their political meddling.

Besides, now she’s got a new busy-bodying bee in her rainbow bonnet. Karen, oops, Kerryn is busy telling anyone who doesn’t care to listen that they should be forced to wear masks.

Because of course she is. She doesn’t want those damn plebs breathing their poor-people germs within a continent of her harbourside mansion.

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