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Tasmania’s threatened wedge-tail eagles get a whole lot more threatened when they have to run the gauntlet of wind turbines.

James Delingpole has rightly called wind turbines “bat-chomping bird-slicing eco-crucifixes”. The carnage inflicted on bird and especially bat populations by these whirling engines of death is well-documented. The religious fetishism of these droning eyesores is demonstrated by the extraordinary indulgences of the faithful of the Church of Gaia.

When a single wallaby drowns in a tailing dam, gibbering ferals chain themselves ten-deep to the gate. If a coal mine so much as looks sideways at a finch, eco-fossil Bob Brown’s caravan of loons descends in a shrieking cavalcade of swivel-eyed students, dreadlocked unemployables and nosey-nanas with too much time on their hands in retirement. But the cathedrals of Gaia slaughter dozens of Tasmania’s threatened wedge-tail eagles with impunity. Kill them all, apparently, and let Gaia decide.

At least one wildlife expert is calling time on the eco-crucifixes and their blood-money.

A wildlife expert has called for independent monitoring and studies into eagle deaths caused by windfarms, warning the problem is only going to get worse as the industry expands in Tasmania.
Under Commonwealth legislation, windfarm companies agree to “offsets” when an endangered bird is killed.

Offsets include the companies paying compensation, funding research or the protection of nest sites.

Once upon a time, Christian faithful could buy a free pass out of Purgatory by donating to Church coffers. The Church of Gaia has its own indulgences.

“A lot of people call it blood money — it’s compensation for killing endangered species,” wildlife biologist Nick Mooney told Leon Compton on ABC Radio Hobart.

Musselroe Wind Farm, Tasmania’s largest, has reported 11 wedge-tail eagle deaths and one white-bellied sea eagle death since it was constructed in 2013.

Mr Mooney believes the mortality rate is higher.

These are not just any old Tassie bin-chickens or turbo-chooks, either. These are a threatened species. The kind of thing that brings a billion-dollar coal mine to a grinding halt.

It is estimated there are less than 350 breeding pairs of the endangered Tasmanian wedge-tail eagles, and in 2017–18, 29 were killed by powerlines.

The problem is only going to get worse, with massive new wind farms planned for Tasmania.

“We’re building all these windfarms without knowing the damage we’re doing… you need about 12 extra eagle chicks to compensate for every adult eagle killed at a windfarm.

“There’s no evidence the covenanting process has increased production at all.”

The willful blindness of the green movement to the shocking ecological damage inflicted by their beloved eco-crucifixes is beyond appalling. These hypocrites spit their almond-milk over a finch but gaily ignore the slaughter of one of the largest raptor species on the planet.
