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Killing The Economy With Kindness

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. Concept credit: Juana

Unfettered by anything approaching accountability or the rule of law, we have seen during this crisis the underbelly of ‘kind’. Kindness speaks of morals and empathy but has been actioned through the suspension of liberty, democracy, and individual opportunity.

The kindness-enforcer has stopped me visiting my mum in hospital today. There are guards on the doors. So I will make do by delivering flowers to the hospital and leave it to others to give her. I can only imagine the smile on her face when she gets them.
[…] Have a great day PM with your mother and daughter. A lot of your citizens can’t do that because you have taken that away from them.
Thoughts not only to those who have lost their mother to Covid 19 but all the other mothers who died with no one at their side.


Kindness expressed by the “Boss-of-us” Jacinda Ardern is all slogans and smiles, photo-opportunities and propaganda. Kindness in action is a totally different beast: authoritarian, indifferent to criticism and dangerous.

Kindness is curtailing our society’s liberties and economy and is enforced illegally. Indeed the dictatorial words of the “kindness-enforcer” Jacinda Ardern have been almost forgotten amongst the graffiti, the weekly slogan-churn of the prime minister’s communications department.

At the outset, the prime minister assured us: “we have all of the legislative means possible, all the enforcement powers”, threatening us, for kindness has no tolerance.

The BFD.
“Failure of anyone to play their part in coming days will put the lives of others at risk, and there will be no tolerance for that. We will not hesitate to use our enforcement powers if needed.”

Those enforcement powers, she reminded us, extending not just to the civil agencies but also to include the military if necessary.

Indeed Ardern was as drunk on enforcement as Muldoon on malt during the announcement of our second-ever National Emergency, perhaps channeling her inner totalitarian, using the word or variant eleven times.

Ardern; the kindness-enforcer, and all her enforcements. Pretty legal.

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