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Kindness and Empathy Don’t Win Elections

Jackboot Jacinda. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

Saturday morning is one of routine for me. Having completed the ablutions and taken the vast array of medications needed to enable me to continue to write for the BFD I venture out to purchase the Weekend Herald. This paper is the closest the publishers get all week to what a newspaper should be. Having got back home it’s the two Cs – a cuppa and the Canvas. The Canvas is mainly a flick through, the highlight being the Code-Cracker.

I normally read the page 3 ‘From The Editor’ written by Sarah Daniell as most weeks it’s quite fun to count how many words from the Maori dictionary she manages to fit into her brief article. To be fair to Sarah, the last couple of weeks her use of the Maori language has been confined to tribal affiliations. Her latest article was, not surprisingly, singing the praises of her recently resigned dear leader Jacinda. Sarah was very concerned at the level of vitriol aimed at our leader, whom the rest of the world adores.

Having digested that I got to page 5 and found more of the same from Diana Wichtel. She was concerned at the sexism Ardern had to endure. At the conclusion of reading that article, acid reflux reared its ugly head so it was either Mylanta or Quickeze to sort the problem. To further ease my predicament I went straight to the TV listings, which proved a more beneficial read than the previous two contributions. Having read the articles it easy to see why Jacinda rates so highly with women. These women love her fake empathy and kindness.

The problem I have is that’s where it starts and stops. In looking at Ardern they either refuse or don’t want to see the other side of her. She did do a good job dealing with the crises during her reign, but she wasn’t the first and she won’t be the last. It’s part of a PM’s job and any other leader would have done the same, perhaps bar the relevant costume. What these women can’t or won’t see is the narcissistic side of Ardern.

This is the real reason the country was treated so harshly during Covid. It had nothing to do with kindness and empathy. Kindness and empathy was the vehicle she used to inflict her narcissism upon us.

This flowed through to “The government is the one source of truth”. She then used Covid as a vehicle to divide the country into the virtuous vaxed and the demonised non vaxed. Then when the vax-injured and those who had lost their jobs due to her mandates went to Wellington to talk to her, they were not only ignored, they were subjected to mental music-and-water torture and finally a violent removal by a politicised police force.

Then there is her performance at the business end of her responsibilities. Her report card should show a big fat F on all counts. Few are being housed, few are at school, few are being encouraged to work or upskill, few are getting their health requirements on time and few can afford the high cost of living. The few that are benefiting are the Maori elite.

Jacinda Ardern didn’t resign for any other reason than she was becoming increasingly unpopular, which was entirely of her own making. Whatever the amount of vitriol (which by the way is not acceptable), Jacinda has only herself to blame. Her political background should leave nobody in any doubt as to who the real Jacinda Ardern is. It’s not the dress-up, hugging, fake Jacinda. It’s the real life Covid Jacinda. The one leading the self professed ‘team of five million’. When some of the five million went to see her they discovered the empathy and kindness was nowhere to be found.

Jackboot Jacinda. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

Jacinda Ardern, a leader in fake empathy and kindness when the occasion suited. In everything else as a leader she was a dictator and a complete and utter failure. With an election on the horizon her only option was to go.

From hero to zero in three years.

Not a record to be proud of. Something both Sarah and Diana might like to reflect on next time they eulogise their political heroine. The harsh reality is empathy and kindness doesn’t put food on the table, doesn’t get kids to school, doesn’t get hip replacements, doesn’t solve crime, doesn’t get people jobs and doesn’t win elections either.

We are told she’ll need more protection than any other ex Prime Minister. That in itself tells you all you need to know.
